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这是一种不可违背的自然规律。This is an infrangible law of nature.

对于一只蝴蝶来说没有自由是违背自然规律的。It is unnatural for a butterfly not to be free.

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先跳舞,然后才思考。这是自然规律。Dance first, think later. It's the natual order.

违背自然规律的人迟早会给自己带来灾祸的。Those who go against nature bring themselves tragedy.

长久以来,斗蟋蟀都是遵循自然规律进行的。Cricket fighting has long followed the rhythms of nature.

我们最经典的的自然规律告诉了我们什么What does our best theory about the laws of nature tell us?

过去我们常常认为土的自然规律就是向下运动。We are used to that ,earth has a natural motion of downwards.

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万物静止不变是违背自然规律的。It’s contrary to all laws of nature for things to stand still.

如果你违背自然规律,你迟早会受到惩罚。If you go against nature, you will be punished sooner or later.

她比我高几英寸,漂亮得简直违背了自然规律。She was several inches taller than I was, and unnaturally blond.

他们认为世上一切事物都会有一种完美的合乎自然规律的解释。They fell there is a perfectly natural explanation for everything.

不管你是谁,都决不会做违背自然规律事。No matter who you are, you cannot do anything going against nature.

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由于进化的自然规律,他从流体的水发展到了固体食物。In the natural course of evolution from water he came to solid food.

无为的理论要求遵循自然规律。The theory of non-action requires observation of the laws of nature.

我真真的知道,这是一个只有上帝和他的妻子才能改变的自然规律!I know it's a rule that only the GOD and his wife the GODESS can change!

某种程度上,这只是城市人口分布兴衰自然规律的一部分。In some ways it’s a partof the natural ebb and flow of urban demographics.

六物体不被自然规律所左右,不像你想得那样。Six, objects aren't governed by laws of nature onto what you think of them.

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神族几千年来一直在研究时间和空间的自然规律。For thousands of years the Protoss have studied the nature of time and space.

这套“强硬路线”的哲学植根于“自然规律”恒久不变的理念。The Hardline philosophy was rooted in the idea of an immutable "Natural Order".

生老病死,自然规律!不要太伤悲,你的孝心他会感应得到的!The birth and death, the nature! Do not be too sad, your filial piety he will feel!