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夜空移动著,他们都是活著的。It moves. They are all alive.

一轮明月在夜空中移动。A full moon rode in the night sky.

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探照灯扫视着夜空。Searchlights probed the night sky.

火箭闪闪发光升入夜空。The rockets flashed into darkness.

她看到满天星斗的夜空。She saw the black sky full of stars.

探照灯的灯光横扫夜空。The searchlights raked the night sky.

我最后瞄了一眼窗外的夜空。I stole one last glance out the window.

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也许,它们经功夜空来入行飞行。对比一下。Perhaps they navigate by the night sky.

它们在夜空里时现时隐They appear or do not appear in the sky

一声喊叫响彻夜空。An outcry went pealing through the night.

可以在任何天花板投射夜空的景象。Full night sky projection on any ceiling.

但我不愿意高悬夜空,独自Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night

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漆黑的夜空中的星星从你的杯中掉落That drop from your cup on the night sky’s

探照灯在夜空中扫掠。Searchlights are sweeping in the night sky.

带我那两岁的孩子看布满星星的夜空。Showing my 2-year-old the clear starry sky.

带我那两岁的孩子看星星布满的夜空。Showing my 2-year-old the clear starry sky.

星星在夜空中光辉灿烂。Stars were billiant in the clear night sky.

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夜空中布满了闪亮的星星。The black sky was strewn with twinkle stars.

探照灯光扫过夜空。The searchlights swept across the night sky.

一道白光闪起,夜空亮起银辉。A white light flashed, lit the sky in silver.