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或者有点像狄更斯笔下的世界?Or maybe Dickensian?

这就是契诃夫笔下的犹太人形象。That was how Chekhov saw Jews.

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我是陀思妥耶夫斯基笔下的在地下室中生活的那个人。I'm Dostoevsky's Underground Man.

她笔下的人物都是南方式的。Her characters are thorough Southerners.

潋滟红尘,也许你笔下的那个女子是你自己。Into red, you may write the girl is you.

首先,茨威格笔下的英雄主义。First of all, Zweig described by heroism.

我与契诃夫笔下的每一个人物都能产生共鸣。I identified with every Chekhov character.

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你认为谁是金庸笔下最美丽的女子?I think Xiaolongnv is the most beautiful girl.

有时,它向着天空,仿佛奥维德笔下的人物。Toward the sky at times, like the man in Ovid.

加菲猫是漫画家吉姆·维斯的笔下产物。Garfield is the creation of cartoonist Jim Davis.

一些人感觉这有些1984年后奥威尔笔下极权世界的意味。Some sense shades of a post-1984 Orwellian world.

我笔下的诗歌却会提炼出你的真。When that shall vade, my verse distills your truth.

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凯列班和蒙田笔下的食人族相比又如何?How does Caliban compare with Montaigne's Cannibals?

我多麽希望这张美丽的卡片上的话语出自我的笔下。I wish I'd written the words on this beautiful card.

这样的时刻在1843年青年马克思的笔下得到了描述。Such a moment was described by the young Marx in 1843.

然而,裘小龙笔下的弄堂居民们,却不曾拥有这样的幸运。The residents of Qiu’s longtang aren’t nearly so lucky.

悲剧意识,在老舍笔下是一个实实在在的世界。Lao she's tragic consciousness, in the world is a truly.

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他笔下写出来的字字句句都是好文章。Every word and phrase that drops from his pen is elegant.

斯托帕得笔下的人物迥异于今天的俄罗斯人。Mr Stoppard's characters are strangers in today's Russia.

第一部分论述“彼得鲁舍夫斯卡娅笔下女主人公的生存主题”。Part one, states the subject of women's living condition.