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学无止境。There is no end to learning.

学无止境,向各位学习了!Endless learning . I learn from all guys.

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学无止境,即使在我们结束学业后也是如此。Education never ceases, even after we leave school.

“学无止境”是世界上最难做到的事情。"Live and learn" might be the hardest work out there.

我们长路漫漫,只因学无止境。We have a long way to labor, because learning is endless.

我喜欢摄影而来到这里,学无止境,我永远是学生。I like shoot and come here . Endless learning. I am a student forever.

于是,我们前瞻未来,学无止境,成就远见。Therefore, our perspective future, knowledge is infinite, achievement foresight.

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相反,你应该保持开放心态并认识到学无止境。Instead, be open-minded and realize that there will always be more for you to learn.

在一个学无止境的世界里,英国教育就像一张生活的最佳通行证。In a world of life long learning, British education is a first class ticket for life.

那场比赛我输了,可我没有告诉别人我受伤的事,所以这成绩多少会影响我在伦敦的名声。学无止境!I didnt tell anyone I was injured, so it hurt my rep in London. You live and you learn!

学无止境,生活就是我们的学校,走到哪里都有我们可以学习的事物。Learning never stops. Life is our school, and there are things to learn everywhere we go.

学无止境,祝愿您成为最优秀的国际级篮球裁判员。Knowledge has no limits. I wish you to become the very best international basketball referee.

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学无止境,我总是尽我最大的努力学习新的知识,我也希望我的学生能够尽他们最大的努力学习新的知识。I always try my best to learn the new things, I hope my kids can also try their best to learn the new things.

生活的每个部分无不包含可学之处。只要活着,你就学无止境。There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.

学无止境一进大学,我感到思想上卸了一个包袱,就像我们的同班同学一样,大家都想放松一下。As soon as I was enrolled in college I remit a big burden off my mind. So did my classmates. We just wanted to relax.

学无止境。继续研究并学习更多的知识今后能给你带来财富。Remember you can never have too much knowledge. Continue to study and learn more for knowledge can always be turned into profits later.

学无止境,况且外部立法环境在不断变化完备,银行业务也在持续发展。Knowledge has no limit. 1, and external legislation in the ever-changing environment of complete, continuous development of banking business in.

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学无止境。多学学电脑、手艺、园艺等等。不要让你的大脑闲置下来。无所事事是魔鬼的加工厂。魔鬼的名字叫“痴呆症”。Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop. And the devil's name is Alzheimer's. ""

虽然身在象牙塔中,最近正在庆祝250周年校庆的哥伦比亚大学,这所常春藤联盟的崇高学术殿堂,如今也走上另外一条「学无止境」的道路。Among the ivory tower set, Columbia University, that august Ivy League institution that is now marking its 250th anniversary, may be lighting the way for other centers of learning.

所以学无止境,有教无类,老师也要感恩学生,也是令他的教法,不断增加智慧的老师。So, learning is truly a never ending process. So, the teacher has to be grateful to his student for inspiring him to come up with new ways of teaching, which allows him to gain wisdom.