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公开和协作。Open and collaborative.

这台电视机是公开发售。This TV set is on sale.

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写公开的感谢信。Write the letter opening.

为何在公开市场购买?Why buy on the open market?

我们应该公开指责异端邪说。We should denounce a heresy.

公开课程有版权吗?Are open courses copyrighted?

他显示了他的感情公开。He shows his feelings openly.

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公开宣传中是这么讲的。Or so the publicity tells us.

什么是公开源码软件?What is open source software?

他叫喊,“为什么你要公开?”Why do you have to go public?

他公开地对老板拍马屁。He openly crawled to the boss.

必须公开个别的工具。Individual tools must be open.

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这只不过是一场公开的表演。This was only the opening act.

怎么公开赞美他也不不为己甚。You can't praise him too much.

请允许我公开表达我的谢意-的确。Let me say publicly. -Yes. Yes.

西莉亚飓风公开报道.Hurricane Celia Public Advisory.

我决不能容忍这种公开侮辱。I will pouch up no such affront.

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此影片为家用版,严禁公开播放。This video is for home use only.

这已经开创了公开叫价。This has created a public outcry.

那就让贵族议事会公开宣誓。So let the council swear publicly.