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是什么把杰克吓得屁滚尿流?What is it that has Jack spooked?

如果你做事情的方式不对,你会输得屁滚尿流。If you don’t approach things right you can lose your ass.

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恐怖电影把我吓得屁滚尿流。Why are you scared of horror movies? None of them are real.

还是要我把你揍得屁滚尿流了才听得见?Or should I just beat the shit out of you until you do hear me.

他们吓的屁滚尿流、痛苦呻吟、嚎啕大哭,还抱怨他们受了虐待。They whine, piss, moan, and complain that they're being mistreated.

你们只准喝啤酒。别的什么也不许喝。看叫我逮住,不揍你们个屁滚尿流才怪。Let me catch you drink anything but beer I beat the hell out of you.

很简单,因为今天的NBA已经让白人吓得屁滚尿流了。Simple. Because today's NBA scares the unholy shit out of white people.

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因为我是在球型炮塔里观察,基本上次次都给吓得屁滚尿流。Me being to watch in the ball turret I was scared shitless countless times.

虽然我的高等法术几乎全部用完了,但我还是把他们打得屁滚尿流!It may have used up all of my higher level spells, but I kicked their asses!

没人相信你,所以大家把你轰炸得屁滚尿流然后入侵你的国家。No one believes you, so they bomb the crap out of you and invade your country.

那帮强盗屁滚尿流地逃跑了,但醋先生一直等到天大亮才敢露脸。Away scampered the thieves, but Mr Vinegar dared not quit his retreat till broad daylight.

这种场地我经历多了,对这类人我太明白,我可以刹时就把他给打得屁滚尿流。I have been around long enough to know this kind of guys. I can rip him to pieces in a second.

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我喜欢这部电影,因为从头至尾,加里.库珀都吓得屁滚尿流,却总能选择去做正确的事。I loved the movie because from start to finish Gary Cooper is scared to death but does the right thing anyway.

“你这个娇生惯养的臭婆娘,”他凶神恶煞似的说,“快给我打扫干净,要不,我要把你踢得屁滚尿流。”"You filthy guinea spoiled brat , " he said venomously. "Clean that up right now or I'll kick the shit out of you. "

所以人们就想了,在争夺身体控制权的战斗中,兴奋剂能打得抑制剂屁滚尿流。The thinking here is that, in the war for control over your bodily functions, stimulants kick all sorts of depressant ass.

躲在他后面的阴影里,在他通过的时候,不停的吓他到屁滚尿流!那是他应得的,白痴。Slip behind him into the shadows, and as he continues on, repeatedly scare the shit out of him! That's what he gets, the stupid ass.

我刚想像之前对那两队人一样烧他们个屁滚尿流,可我又想起了上帝的话,于是我跟着他们启程回宫了。I was just about to say what I said to the other captains, but then, I remembered what God said and I went with him and his men and westarted walking to the palace.

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从19世纪后期到前不久,日本是亚洲第一强国,曾经在军事和经济方面把中国打得屁滚尿流。From the late 19th century until very recently, Japan was the No. 1 power in Asia, having, among other things, beaten the living hell out of China militarily and economically.

在游击队的毁灭性火力面前,走在米勒上士后方的伪军,顿时大乱,各各屁滚尿流地往山下逃去,恨爹娘少生两条腿,巴不得马上跑出游击队的火力杀伤区,一时间只留下米勒上士一人,孤军奋战在平坦裸露的谷底。In the face of devastating insurgent fire, the ANA located directly behind Staff Sgt. Miller broke formation and bound away downhill and out of the kill zone, leaving Staff Sgt.

值得一提的是,拜纳姆无数个雷霆万钧的灌篮打的太阳屁滚尿流找不着北,从此他的潜能也是人们和整个联盟茶余饭后的话题。Moreover, Andrew's outstanding performance included an array of thunderous ally-oop dunks that sent the Phoenix Suns running for the hills and set the league ablaze with talk of his massive potential.