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总的效果是石河子草炭优于加拿大草炭。Generally Shihezi peat is better than Canada peat.

在草炭牧区这些排放尤其普遍。In peat pasture areas these emissions are particularly prevalent.

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草炭与风化炭改良盐碱土的生态效应。Ecological effect of peat and weathered coal on alkali-saline soil.

目的为茜草炭炮制工艺的优化提供依据。ObjectiveTo provide the basis of the technological standardization of Rubia cordifolia L.

组培材料移栽到草炭土,蛭石和园土后,均可繁殖。When transferred to peat, gardening soil or vermiculite, the shoots can propagate themselves.

草炭土的有机质含量是决定其物理、力学性质的主要因素。The organic content is the main factor of the physical and mechanical properties of turfy soil.

有机物料相比,腐殖土优于草炭,草炭优于麦秸。Comparing the organic materials, the humic soil is better than peat, the peat is better than wheat straw.

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由此可知,玉米秸秆可以替代草炭作为越橘栽培中土壤改良的有机物料。It concluded that maize straw could be used as an organic materials for blueberry soil amendment instead of peat.

用褐煤、腐熟玉米秸秆和腐殖土来完全替代基质配方中的草炭,形成7个替代基质配方。Uses the lignite, screw extrusion and humus completely substitutes the peat in the substrate formula, obtion 7medium.

综上所述,本试验综合效果最好的是处理B,可以代替草炭用于番茄有机基质栽培。In summary, treatment B was the best substrate, which could be used to replace grass peat as organic culture substrate.

同时发现土壤、草炭和寄主植物根的分泌物对孢子萌发有促进作用。At the same time, we found that Soils, peat and secretory products of plant roots could accelerate the germination of spores.

不同覆盖物下土壤蒸发量差异显著,白天影响蒸发量大小的覆盖物依次是草炭土、煤渣灰、裸地、对照、河沙、锯末、豆秸。The soil evaporation from the highest to the least was turf soil, coal cinder, CK, sand, sawdust and smash of straw successively.

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以上研究表明,草炭土作为PRB反应介质处理石油类污染地下水具有良好的应用前景。It had a good application prospects for PRB with the peat as the reactive media in the remedy area of petroleum contaminated groundwater.

松土保湿剂信德瑞在改良排水性土壤如草炭土方面效果明显,每升土中加入1。Lossening and moisture-maintaining agent, Saturaid, has a obvious effect on improved drainage soil such as soddy soil, adding Saturaid 1.

采用蛭石、草炭、珍珠岩、有机肥、腐熟鸡粪、炉渣灰等原料组成复合基质,进行黄瓜穴盘育苗。Cucumber seedlings were raised in composite substrates containing vermiculite, peat moss, local rockwell, coal ash, and organic fertilizer.

信德瑞在壤土、砂土和蛭石中的渗透、保水效果不如在草炭土中明显。However, the effect of its permeability and water-maintaining in loam soil, sandy loam and vermiculite was not so obvious as in soddy soil.

与陈化油泥自然衰减结果相比,草炭强化生物修复能提高微生物数量和生物的多样性。Compared with natural attenuation, the enhanced bioremediation of aged oily sludge with peat could increase microbial quantity and biodiversity.

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试验利用草炭和蛭石作为基质原料,研究了基质不同配比对育苗块育苗效果的影响。With the turf arid vermiculite as the material to investigate the effects of the different matrix formulation in seedling block to the seedling.

克朗计算出在集约奶牛养殖使用的草炭牧场每年的温室气体排放量为每公顷16000公斤二氧化碳当量。Kroon calculated that the annual greenhouse gas emissions in a peat pasture area used for intensive dairy farming were 16000 kilo of CO2 equivalent per hectare.

研究表明草炭土具有高天然孔隙比、高含水率、高压缩性和低抗剪强度等性质。The study shows that grass charcoal earth has properties such as high natural porosity ratio, high moisture content, high compressibility and low shear strength etc.