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明锴包装,精益求精!Ming Kai Packaging, Excellence!

帕克会有时间如此精益求精吗?Will Parker have time to be so fastidious?

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为自己的作品严格把关,精益求精,创作出可以获奖的作品。Produce best-in-class work to help us win awards.

精益求精,我相信我能把衣服做好。Excelsior , I believe I can have made the clothing.

质量为本、顾客至上、稳健踏实、精益求精。Quality-based, customer first, a strong pragmatic, excellence.

汉枘光电追求的目标永远是更高、更远、精益求精。Han tenon photoelectric goal of Forever is higher, farther, better.

扳倒井酒之所以能走俏市场,来源于精益求精的勾调技术。The reason for selling well is due to the fine blending technology.

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精益求精的礼节规定使得人们受到比以前更加明显的约束。In the name of refinement restraint was more evident than ever before.

重视技术开发,对工艺要求精益求精。The Kovan thinks much of technical development and is strict in craft.

紫金尚古设计追求每个项目,每个案例做到精益求精。The design of Neoclassicism pursues perfectness in every project and case.

精工品质精益求精,在细节中铸就精致。Delicate-fine in quality, pursue perfect and cast refinement out of detail.

吉祥鸟对制作的每一个细节都精益求精地严格完成。G. bird's products are strictly completed by keeping improving each specific.

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“精益求精”是指充满激情地去做某事所带来的愉悦。Mastery denotes the pleasure of doing something that one is passionate about.

好胜心让她不断地精益求精,努力做到最顶尖。Yoshikatsu heart so that she was always excellence, and strive to achieve top.

体现了热爱祖国,艰苦奋斗,精益求精,永攀高峰,团结协作的奥运精神。To embody the Olympic spirit of patriotism, hard work, excellence and teamwork.

所有的技术都需要精益求精,但确属已知范围。All the technologies involved need further refinement, but none are out of reach.

但是有着“每日精益求精”口号的长城公司,看来是勇敢畏惧的。But Great Wall, with its slogan "improving little by little every day", seems undaunted.

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他还是一个执着于每一步骤的细节都要精益求精的人。Perfectionism – “He was also a person that believed in the precise detail of every step.

学生们表示,其接受“展现在他们生活的各个方面精益求精。”A. said its accepted students had “demonstrated excellence in all aspects of their lives.

太阳在精益求精的处女座待到22号,在你象征深度共享的八宫。The Sun is in detail-oriented Virgo in your 8th House of Deep Sharing until September 22.