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仙女亦有偷闲时。The fairy also needs to have leisure.

周末是许多人偷闲的时间。Weekends are the time for many people to goof off.

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我常常看影片来消磨我的休息偷闲具体时间。I usuwhichley kill my available time by enjoying the movie.

爱情是闲人的正经事,忙人的偷闲玩意。Love is the business of the idle and the idleness of the busy.

一整天的写作工作和偷闲的阅读同样使我的一天过得的安逸愉快。I also enjoyed a good day’s work writing and spent some time reading.

此外,也许你也正想从忙碌的工作中偷闲休息一下呢。Alternatively, you may just want to take a break from work for a while.

嗯,能偷闲时就偷闲吧。辛苦时刻很快就会来临了。Well, have fun while you can. The hard times are just around the corner.

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它是休息偷闲、零售及旅业界中很重要的一块。It is an importance chunk of our leicertain, retail and tourism industries.

到达休息偷闲中心后,聘请的男子遭到拘留并经受到痛苦。Having attained the entertaining center, the retained man were detained or sustained pain.

但是老板走到你的办公桌前你还在偷闲,那么你自找苦吃了。But if you’re on Gmail every time your boss walks up to your desk, you’re asking for trouble.

这样的忙中偷闲会让购物之旅成为一次愉悦的探险之旅,一记着实不错的经历。Such a stop will make the entire shopping trip a happy adventure, a great experience on many different levels.

几头牛和几头役用马在一排小檫树下偷闲,檫树的叶尖刚刚开始发红。The cows and draft horses lazed under a row of young sassafras trees, whose leaf tips were just beginning to redden.

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皮彻忙中偷闲对簿记员说,“头儿”似乎一天比一天心不在焉,且越发健忘。Pitcher seized a moment to remark to the bookkeeper that the “old man” seemed to get more absent-minded and forgetful every day of the world.

我知道一旦有动力,我又会拼命工作,那是生命的流动,但现在我很乐意偷闲。I know my motivation will come back, and I will jump back into working, that is the flow of life, but right now I’m enjoying taking a short break.

一是那个清洁员太笨以致于不会巧妙地偷闲,二是他认为你太笨不会注意到,三是他不在乎你是否注意到。Either the cleaner is too stupid to realise he should be skiving more subtly, or he thinks you are too stupid to notice, or he does not care if you notice.

我的朋友没有提到在电视机前度过的漫长寂寞的冬夜——电视是一个的休息偷闲形式。My friend fails to mention the long or friendless autumn evenings which are not interrupted only by an occasional visit to the local cinema-virtuwhichley the only tom of entertainment.

一个中国女孩帮助我发表那些煽风点火的言论,让措辞不带美国腔。在我走开的几分钟里,她偷闲试着贴上自己的批评。A young Chinese woman was helping me post my incendiary comments so that they didn't have a strong American accent, and when I stepped away for a few minutes, she idly experimented on her own.