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平均每个采种母树与19个父本产生子代。Progenies were produced by each mother tree with 19 male trees.

每种配对都产生出所有可能单倍体子代。Each mating has generated all possible types of haploid progeny.

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另一方面,把你的康普茶子代传递给你的朋友。On the other hand, pass your Kombucha babies on to your friends.

母源性免疫即母体传递给子代的免疫力。Maternal immunity is the immunity transferred from mother to offspring.

干细胞分裂时产生2个子代细胞。A stem cell is one that, when it divides, produces two 'daughter' cells.

杂种后代存在超亲子代,表现一定的杂种优势。There were some transgressive progenies in hybrids which exhibited heterosis.

这表明一些藻类也许直接通过亲代直接传到子代。Which suggests that some algae may be handed down directly from parent to child.

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基因是一种将遗传信息从父代传给子代的微小物质。Genes are tiny pieces of matter that carry information from parents to offspring.

探讨甲醛对大鼠子代脏器及血液细胞的影响。To explore the effects of formaldehyde on organs and blood cells in rat offspring.

例如,一个名为"org.nrdc"被认为是"org"logger的子代。"For example, a logger named "org.nrdc" is said to be the child of the "org" logger.

母亲具有MTRR和MTR联合变异者,其子代发生CHD的风险会增高。Mothers with MTR and MTRR gene polymorphisms increase the risk of CHD in offspring.

体细胞通过有丝分裂增殖产生与亲本相似的子代细胞。Somatic cells divide by mitosis producing daughter cells identical to the parent cell.

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根据孟德尔自由分离规律,从子代的基因型推断出亲代可能的基因。And the genotypes of the parental oysters were assessed according to the Mendelian laws.

开花之后植株就死亡,但其子代3-4年后就开花。The plant dies after flowering, but the offspring will flower after three or four years.

人类雄性配子的重要功能之一是完整地将父代遗传信息传递给子代。Male gametes play a critical role in transmitting hereditary information to the offspring.

目前,在自体原位移植冻存羊卵巢组织后,已产下一只健康子代羊。Recently, a lamb was born after orthotopic transplantation of frozen ovine ovarian tissue.

但是父本与子代并未联系,除非通过精子造成影响。But fathers have no contact with their daughters except through the sperm that created them.

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一个节点只是在它拥有子代,而且其导航状态被设置成展开时,该节点才可以展开。A node can only be expanded if it has children and its navigational state is set to expanded.

一个节点只是在它拥有子代,而且其分解状态被设置成展开时,该节点才可以分解。A node can only be collapsed if it has children and its navigational state is set to collapsed.

但在过去的三年里,有些事情已经有些不对劲。几乎没有海雀繁殖子代。But for the past three years, something has gone wrong. Almost none of the puffins are breeding.