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哦,原来是两个同音词。Oh, they are two homonyms.

即使是同音词也是如此。This is true even in homonyms.

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同音词是一个有趣的语言现象。Homonymity is an interesting linguistic phenomenon.

其次,分析了同音词产生的原因。Secondly, we have analysed the reason why the homonym produces.

你可以了解中文同音词。You chose the words with the same sounds but different meanings.

同音词是语言中极其重要而又十分普遍的现象。Homophones are the universal and very important phenomena in languages.

同音词混淆是长期困扰现行盲文的问题。Confusion of homonym is a long-term disturbing problem in current Chinese Braille.

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同音词问题是在中国文字改革的过程中提出来的。Homonym problem was put forward in the course of Chinese reform of a writing system.

第二类词是“同音词”,它的创造相结合的字母和符号或数字,听起来像其他的话。The second kind of word is a " homophone -it's created by combining letters and symbols, or numbers, to sound like other words."

第二种是“同音词”。它是由字母符号、数字组成的,听起来像别的单词。The second kind of word is a " homophone"- it's created by combining letters and symbols, or numbers, to sound like other words.

简写对汉语盲文还有特殊的意义,简写符形代表固定的汉字,可以有效的区分高频同音词。Additional advantage of abbreviation lies in the fact that it can distinguish cells from homonyms , representing specific Chinese characters.

本文试图就同音词的性质、来源、分化问题和在中文信息处理中的一些问题进行研究。This paper attempt to study the question of nature, source, distinguishing of the homonym and same problems in the Chinese information processing.

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当代汉语新同音词指的是当代汉语中新产生的与旧有词音同、形同而义不同的词。The contemporary Chinese new homonyms refer to the words which were newly produced in contemporary Chinese, spelt and pronounced like the old words.

不同类型的新同音词在使用范围、语用色彩等方面有很大的差异,另外它的内部也有相当大的不平衡性。Different kinds of new homonyms are different from one another in using scope and language using color. Moreover, they are quite imbalanced interiorly.

同音词造成的谐音与日本独特的历史、文化语境等息息相关,这是人们无法回避的民族语言的特殊现象。Closely linked to the unique history and cultural context of Japan, homonym is a phenomenon of national language which we cannot avoid taking into consideration.

使用跨通道词汇判断任务和语义启动技术,两个实验分别考察了孤立状态下和句子语境中汉语双音节同音词意义通达的情况。Cross-modal semantic priming paradigm and lexical decision task were employed to investigate the processes of meaning access of two-syllable homophones in Chinese.

现行盲文同音词混淆问题对盲人文化学习不构成根本影响,但是特定情况的标调应当强化。Confusion of homonym in current Chinese Braille has no fundamental effect on blind people"s learning, but distinction should be intensified in specific situations."

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但在翻译双关语、同音词及许多文化性幽默时,直译并不能达到理想效果,而译者多数情况下也未能通过其他方式取得翻译的理想效果。In the translation of puns, homophones and some cultural humor when literal translation does not work, the translators do not always come up with effective strategies.

一个朋友建议叫U2,因为带这个名字的东西太多了,包括间谍机、潜水艇、电池以及显而易见的同音词“你也”或“你俩”。A friend suggested U2 because there were so many items with that name, including the spy plane, the submarine, a battery, and the obvious references to " you, too" and " you two.

比较不同字形的三类同音词组存在较大差异,对尾字异首字同组刺激的反应需要更多注视和更久的反应时间,且男性反应较快。There are obvious differences between three kinds of homophonic phrases. The phrases, which with different last character, need more fixations and longer reaction time. And men respond faster.