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我们都喜欢开快车。We all like to drive fast.

詹姆斯常常开快车。James tends to drive too fast.

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她有开快车的癖好。She has a mania for driving fast.

史提夫是一个开快车的驾车者。Steve is a high- stepping motorist.

他是一个开快车的司机。他开车很快。He is a fast driver. He drives fast.

请开慢一些——我不喜欢开快车。Please slow down--I don t like speed.

尽管不安全,但我还是喜欢开快车。It’s not safe, but I love driving fast.

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因为开快车,他收到了一张罚款单。He received a fine for driving too fast.

保罗认为开快车很令人兴奋。Paul thinks driving too fast is exciting.

这就是为什么孩子不开快车了。This, then, is why kids are driving slowly.

开快车不再是一种驾驶习惯。Driving fast is no longer a rite of passage.

杰克老是怂恿我开快车。Jack is always egging me on to drive faster.

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我喜欢车,也喜欢开快车,你是知道的。I like cars and I love driving fast you know.

在交通忙碌的街道上开快车,实在是太危险了。It's too dangerous to drive fast on busy streets.

彼得被罚款了,因为他好开快车。Peter was fined because he was too heavy- footed.

这只不过又是一个想开快车和等待的“刹车手”罢了。It's just another braker wanting to hurry up and wait.

真正的男人开快车,或要求他们的司机开快车。Real men drive fast or demand their driver drives fast.

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我也一样。每次他开快车的时候,我真的很害怕。Me too. When he puts his foot down, I get really afraid.

会很快写下在你开快车中那莫名其妙的超速罚单。I’ll write your ticket as ridiculously fast as you drive.

一些对现实不满的年轻人常以开快车和冒险寻乐。Some unsatisfied youths riot in driving fast and taking risks.