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我们绝不能削足适履。We mustn't cut the feet to fit the shoes.

这样做无异于削足适履。Doing this is cutting the foot to fit the shoe.

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合同相对性原则削足适履的做法,会不可避免地造成契约法的封闭化。The principle of privity of contract will, inevitably cause the parochialism of contract law.

也不可削足适履,以“物理科学”观,规范所有的科学学科。They can neither normalize all scientific subjects with physics science, act in a Procrustean way.

千万不要固执你的行为,不要为了那僵硬的臭规矩、怪理念,削足适履。Never stiffen your idea and never act in a Procrustean way for the stale regulations and queer ideas.

但是全球消费者的口味迥异,他们的做法有削足适履之嫌。But they face the potential risks of a "one-size-fits-all" approach in a world of varied consumer tastes.

我相信没有人会去削足适履,毕竟只有适合的东西才是好的。I trust that none will stretch the seams in putting on the coat, for it may do good service to him whom it fits.

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如果它计划迎来另外一个重要的里程碑,它要好好考虑怎样才能不削足适履。If it is to celebrate another major milestone, it will need to figure out how to stop cutting the feet to fit the shoes.

民族国家理论仅仅从政府间的角度考量权力关系,无视经济全球化,或者削足适履地将全球经济关系放进固有的理论框架中。Nation-state theory sees power relations only between different state actors, and excludes a global economy, or subjugates it to the nation-state model.

有学者认为,这是对中国哲学的史料“梳妆打扮”、“削足适履”去填充西方哲学的表格或框架。Some scholar considers that it is actually making the materials of Chinese philosophy dressed up to fill in the form or framework of Western philosophy.

在格林版本的故事中,为了穿上那只舞鞋,继姐妹削足适履,在灰姑娘和王子的婚礼上,她们的眼睛还被鸽子给啄了出来。In the Grimm story, the stepsisters cut off parts of their feet in order to fit into the glass slippers, and they have their eyes pecked out by doves in the wedding of Cinderella and the prince.