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她使他跳得疲累不堪。She danced him weary.

他死后使得妻子穷愁不堪。He left his wife poor.

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这个房间杂乱不堪。This room's in a mess.

你的房间杂乱不堪。Your room is in a mess.

那条道路肯定泥泞不堪。The road must be slushy.

你,这粗俗不堪的蛆。You vulgar little maggot.

所有人都表情呆滞,瘦弱不堪。All look dull, thin state.

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冉阿让疲乏不堪。Jean Valjean was fatigued.

这楼已破败不堪。The building is now a ruin.

我们都因饥饿而虚弱不堪。We were all weak from hunger.

弥尔顿需要在这儿显得丑陋不堪。Milton needs to get ugly here.

你使格雷斯·豪兰的生活痛苦不堪。You made Grace Howland's life.

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由于焦虑,他感到疲乏不堪。He feels wrung out with anxiety.

为什么泡沫破裂让我们如此痛苦不堪?Why was its bursting so painful?

我们对这些战争感到疲倦不堪。We are really tired of these wars.

用现在的话来说我是不堪教化的。As we now say, I was not integrated.

感情用事使这次讨论混乱不堪。Emotionalism muddied the discussion.

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杂志就感到应劳不堪。The magazine feels should Lao Bukan.

这个房间凌乱不堪。The room was in a state of disorder.

莫非NBA老板真的境遇如此不堪?Do NBA owners really have it that bad?