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我有一个主意。I get an idea.

这主意真棒!这主意真高明!Brilliant idea!

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还有没有其他主意?And another idea?

这是谁的主意?Whose idea is it?

好棒的主意!What a great idea!

多奇怪的主意!What a screwy idea!

我没有什么好的主意。I have no good idea.

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这个主意行得通。This idea will work.

那是多笨的主意。That's a stupid idea.

后来她有了一个主意。Then she had an idea.

这主意真高!What a brilliant idea!

但是他想了一个主意。But he thought an idea.

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你的主意真妙!Your idea is brilliant!

佩尼先生并不缺少主意。He is not short of ideas.

嘘!我有了个主意。Shh! I'm getting an idea.

主意不错但是人太懒了!Good idea but lazy people!

这时侯我有了主意。That's when I got my idea.

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帽匠有了个主意。The hat maker had an idea.

凯西奥你的主意出得很好。Cassio. You advise me well.

你改变主意了吗?Have you altered your mind?