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爱心犹如一把铲能把痛苦斩草除根。Love is like a shovel to the pain.

让我们借此势头,去消灭艾滋病,将它斩草除根。Let us use it to end AIDS – once and for all.

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他们确实相信留下来需冒着斩草除根的风险。They truly believed that to remain was to risk extermination.

他们的罪恶从未被斩草除根,他们所得著只不过是一些兴奋的经历而已。Sin was never uprooted and all they received was an experience of ecstasy.

我们决不可养痈遗患,一定要斩草除根。We can never leave evil unchecked, we must remove the source of the trouble.

那玩意儿十分可怕,如果你不斩草除根,它就会逐渐蔓延开去。It was terrible stuff and it would really spread if you didn't get it out by the roots.

一旦被它站稳脚跟,就很难斩草除根,因为潮湿月一个接着一个。And once it had taken hold, it was almost impossible to get rid of , as one damp month succeeded the other.

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而这些地图集刚好能帮助卫生局高清楚问题地区所在,然后将虫虫们斩草除根。The atlas should help the eradication fight by letting health officials know just where the problem areas are.

写这篇文章的原因是我已经厌倦了听人说「品味是主观的」,想一次过将这种观点斩草除根。I wrote this essay because I was tired of hearing "taste is subjective" and wanted to kill it once and for all.

最后,当新任妖王葛千户想吃了胡巴斩草除根之时,出人意料的事情发生了。Finally, when the new Lich King Ge 1000 want jehubbah extermination when things happen, beyond all expectations.

在我的记录上我还记载着这个家族其它的横行霸道、欺压百姓的罪行,而且注定要消灭,斩草除根。For other crimes as tyrants and oppressors, I have this race a long time on my register, doomed to destruction and extermination.

他们没有Iolaus这样的朋友帮他们用滚烫的烙铁把九头蛇怪的脑袋斩草除根,于是刚打碎一个脑袋,又长出来两个。They have no friend Iolaus to burn with a hot iron the root of the hydra's head, but as soon as one head is crushed, two spring up.

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借着石油价格的上涨,他得以在保持广泛支持率的同时又将反对力量斩草除根。Boosted by strong growth on the back of rising oil prices, he was able to eliminate rival sources of power while retaining broad popularity.

解决的方法是,对付这些人生中的杂草,必须逐一斩草除根,是终你就能征服它们。The solution is , when dealing with these weeds of life, get to the root of ia and remove them one by one and eventually you will conquer this round.

解决的方法是,对付这些人生中的杂草,必须逐一斩草除根,最终你就能征服它们。The solution is , when dealing with these weeds of life, get to the root of it and remove them one by one and eventually you will conquer this round.

秘鲁新总统奥拉塔?胡马拉已换掉该国三分之二最资深的警局官员,这次清洗意在将所谓的腐败斩草除根。Peru's new President Ollanta Humala has replaced two thirds of the country's most senior police officers in a purge designed to root out alleged corruption.

卓凯为了进一步斩草除根,便派人将羡昕绑架到海边,卓凯亲自开枪杀害羡昕,并把她的尸首推到海中。Drache to further extermination, sent xin kidnapped by the sea, people will envy drache shot and killed himself envied xin, and pushing her dead body into the sea.

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虽然这一问题每代人都曾有过,但以英国西南部内尔西中学为代表的学校决定是时候斩草除根了。And while the problem is recurrent with every generation, some schools like the Nailsea School in southwestern England decided to eliminate the root of the problem altogether.

在那种一团糟的法庭上,在第一轮白热化的庭辩之中作证,是我这辈子干过的最痛苦的事了,比用魔杖指着一个无辜的人,或者一次斩草除根的杀戮还痛苦。Testifying during the first go-round of this mess was one of the most wrenching things I've ever done in my life, far more difficult than pointing a wand at an innocent and making a clean kill.

尽管这场枪战已经结束,BBC了解到过度政府军队正在阿布赛利姆地区,也就是扰乱发生的中心区域,展开一场斩草除根的行动。Although the gun battle has finished, the BBC understands that NTC forces are carrying out an operation to root out Gaddafi loyalists from the Abu Salim district at the centre of the disturbance.