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你到底是怎么推演出来的?How in the world did you deduce that?

不过,与之相关的风险和收益之间的推演数据结果已经改变了。But the risk-benefit calculus has changed.

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齐铁嘴推演地形找到新的入口,众人前往。JiTie mouth deduction terrain find new entry, to all.

从公设的基础上严谨地推演几何学。Geometry is developed rigorously from a postulational base.

就椭球头模型进行脑电正问题和逆问题进行推演。To the ellipsoid model solve the forward problem and inverse problem.

利用视电阻率切片图来推演矿体展布形态。Ore distributed shape was deduced by the apparent resistivity section.

拉马克凭直觉推演生物圈,而且具有先见之明。Lamarck made an intuitive guess about the biosphere and again was prescient.

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有意无意地,这些预测是对目前势态的保守推演。By coincidence or design, they are moderated extrapolations of current trends.

历史脚步的推演,证明了郑炯明的选择是正确的。As time goes on, the history proved that Chiung-Ming Cheng's choice was correct.

本文阐述了CASC语言、并研究了公式推演语言的特点。CASC is described, the features of formula manipulation language are researched.

我们将要做的是,我们将要做的是,去推演第二天。So, what we're going to do is we're going to go through the derivation of that next day.

谢孝彰每天都在研讨、推演同古战役的停顿和局势。XieXiaoZhang every day in the discussion, ching with ancient battle pause and situation.

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到宋明时期又进一步将人的道德属性推演为宇宙本质、法则的内容。In Song and Ming dynasty, They shunt it more on the hypostasis and principle of universe.

本文的第二部分是康德在他的三大批判中对自由理论进行的逻辑论证和推演。The second part is the logic proved and deduced of freedom in Kant's critical philosophy.

运行5,000轮左右,蚂蚁的群体思维就会推演出一条相当理想的总路线。Run for 5,000 rounds or so, the ant group-mind would evolve a fairly optimal global route.

Worobey是一个在非盟工作教授,教导学生传染病如何随着时间的推移推演。Worobey is a professor at the UA and teaches about how infectious diseases evolve over time.

本文从实际大地介质出发,井结合断裂理论推演出了古登堡公式。Starting from real geo-medium and using fracture theory, Gutenberg-Richter formula is calculated.

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每年一度的玉山兵棋推演假设中国入侵台湾时的各种危机情形。The annual Yushan exercise is held to simulate crisis scenarios in the event of Chinese aggression.

林风眠以“推演修正”的方式对待传统,使传统走进了现代。Lin Fengmian treated the tradition by deducing and amending it, which brought tradition into present.

理性主义的实质是通过合逻辑的推理推演出“应当如此”的结论。The substance of rationalism is that the conclusion of "ought-to-be-so" is made by logical reasoning.