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毫无疑问,尼克松和他的内层亲信们琢磨过这样一种看法。No doubt nixon and his inner circle savoured the notion.

阿拉维派亲信掌管着多个安全机构。There are multiple security organs run by trusted Alawis.

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卡扎菲,现在他的家人和亲信退缩或逃离像懦夫。Gaddafi, his family and cronies now cower or flee like cowards.

他的政治惰性让江及其亲信放松警惕。His political inertia disarms and appeases Jiang and his loyalists.

日常的军队事务都由江的亲信管理。The day-to-day military affairs are being run by Jiang’s loyalists.

卡扎菲的17名亲信将受到国际旅行禁令限制。Seventeen Qadafi loyalists are subject to an international travel ban.

而他手下冥顽不化而未受惩罚的心腹亲信仍有很多还活着。and some of his unrepentant and unpunished henchmen still remain at large.

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另外,您与卡扎非的亲信有没有过再进一步的联系?And have you had any contacts, any further contacts, with his inner circle?

希姆莱的亲信中也有一小部分在武装党卫队装甲师。There was a small core of Himmler cronies in the Waffen-SS panzer divisions.

委员会主席,弥撒尔亲王,一个非苏戴瑞系的长者,是国王的亲信。The council's chair, Prince Mishal, a senior non-Sudairi, is a close confidant of the king.

梅德韦杰夫被视为俄罗斯前总统普京的亲信。Mr. Medvedev is seen as a protege of former president Vladimir Putin, who is now prime minister.

有一次,他带着家属、亲信去洛水北岸游猎。On one occasion, he brought the family members, close aides to the north shore of hunting Waterinfo.

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自反抗活动开始以来,我们对阿萨德及其数十名亲信实施了严厉的金融制裁。Since the unrest began, we have imposed strong financial sanctions on Asad and dozens of his cronies.

还有一些亲信,基本上是来自于除萨尼党意外的两个党派分支,几乎所有权利都落入他们的掌控之中。A score of intimates, drawn largely from two clans aside from the Thanis, runs nearly everything else.

分析人士称,他可能会担任某一至少可以让他培养一些亲信的职位。Analysts, however, say he could be accorded a position that allows him to earn at least some credentials.

我当时认为他的一个亲信想要我拥有这日记并认为我会对这书感兴趣。I just thought one of his cronies wanted me tohave the journal and thought I’d be interested in the book.

在此期间则由他的亲信设法破坏和谈,搞臭那些反对他亲政的人。In the meantime, his closest supporters planned to sabotage peace and those who opposed his personal rule.

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该组织期技术迷们接受他到自己的家庭,因为他是隐士的晚亲信。The organisation of techno junkies accept him in to their family, as he is the hermit of their late crony.

这正是一个四通八达的亲信关系网可以如金牌般举足轻重的时候。This is one area where a well-connected trusted liaison can be worth his or her weight in proverbial gold.

国王的一位亲信来见哈姆雷特,告诉他关于隔天他和莱尔提斯之间的比赛。One of the king' s men came to Hamlet to tell him about the contest between Hamlet and Laertes the next day.