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他有弄虚作假的嫌疑。He is suspected of employing trickery.

托克说,奥切斯比拉没有嫌疑。Ochsenbine is not a suspect, Toelke said.

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警察会调查嫌疑者的犯罪记录。The police will research the suspect's record.

那流浪汉被指控有偷窃嫌疑而受到传讯。The tramp was arraigned on a charge of stealing.

果真如此,他也会牵连嫌疑到小泽一郎。If so, he could bring Mr Ozawa under suspicion, too.

他因敌特嫌疑而受审查。He was examined on suspicion of being an enemy agent.

他被嫌疑与几起盗窃案有牵连。He was suspected of implication in several robberies.

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或许有点舞文弄墨笔的嫌疑,也全然不在乎了!Perhaps a little dance off pen suspects, didn't care!

任何和她结婚的男人也就成了被嫌疑的对象。And any man who marries her will then also be suspect.

一个金戒子不见了,那女仆是唯一的嫌疑。A gold ring was missing, and the girl the only suspect.

其余有嫌疑的提供情报人员已被释放。The rest of the suspected informants have been released.

我很难摆脱嫌疑因为这发生在我家,懂吗?I'm on the hook . The hook is my home. Do you understand?

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嫌疑就是有人拿了800万美元的回扣。The suspicion is that €8m in kickback payments were made.

可我决不会接手有谋反嫌疑的案子。But I'll never deal with the cases which stink of treason.

他了解到,这些动物有携带手足口病的嫌疑。These animals, he learned, were suspected of carrying FMD.

警察逮捕了犯罪现场的嫌疑分子。The police apprehended the suspect at the scene of the crime.

为了家声,他努力洗脱对他名誉的嫌疑。For family honour, he endeavours to clear his name of suspicion.

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况且,凡事一经效仿,总不大妙,多少带点儿东施效颦的嫌疑。Moreover, it once to follow, always bad, how many a little hollow.

台湾媒体称有一位29岁的男子被当场击毙,一位外号“马脸”的男子因为有射杀嫌疑而当场被捕。Taiwanese media said a 29-year-old man was shot dead at the event.

一位Doral前出纳员因为投资欺诈嫌疑在上月受到FBI调查。A former Doral treasurer was indicted for investment fraud last month.