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村民们遭到大规模的劫掠。The villagers were systematically plundered.

我们的海岸曾被威金族的海盗劫掠。Our coasts were preyed upon by Viking pirates.

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残酷的劫掠行为并非罕见。Brutal acts of depredation are not not uncommon.

北欧海盗沿着海岸大肆奸淫劫掠。The Vikings raped and pillaged all along the coast.

岩石劫掠者是外域一种土生土长的物种。Rock flayers are one of Outland's indigenous species.

新近发生的劫掠显示出精准的专业性。The precision of the new looting indicates expertise.

女王陛下依法征得他劫掠所得的一半财富,并册封他为皇家骑士。The Queen took fifty percent of the treasure and knighted him.

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敌军士兵劫掠走了艺术博物馆的珍藏。The enemy soldiers have looted the treasures of the art museums.

这也使得安德森先生成为了一位重要的地球资源劫掠者。This also made Mr Anderson a considerable plunderer of the earth.

马他兰的军队就有组织地劫掠城市周围的农村。The Mataram forces systematically ravaged the surrounding country.

左右邻居窃取了花园,劫掠了那些稀有的花木。The neighbors devastated the garden and pillaged the rare flowers.

尔切勿加入去修道院偷修女内裤的劫掠。Thou shalt not go on panty raids into Sister of Battle monasteries.

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伊拉克,扎希尔——劫掠伊拉克古遗址的非法活动再度猖獗。DHAHIR, Iraq — The looting of Iraq's ancient ruins is thriving again.

那一个民族没有佔领过这国土,没有来劫掠分赃?What nation hath not inherited her kingdom, and gotten of her spoils?

劫掠的混混们从落单的过客身上勒索水,食物和衣服。Marauding punks prey on solitarytravelers for water, food and clothing.

死头氏族的兵士们有战地劫掠者的名头。The Death Skulls warriors are renowned as plunderers of the battlefield.

尽管在十三世纪里历经了鞑靼人入侵的劫掠和烧毁。Despite being sacked and burnt by the invading Tartars in the next century.

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格温特突袭者挥舞长剑,轻装上阵,精于劫掠和突击。These lightly armed and armoured swordsmen are adept at raiding and looting.

一大群年轻人以百米冲刺的速度向西前进,途中还爬入店铺内劫掠。A large crowd of youths then sprinted west, attacking a retail park and shops.

摄影师和录音师在匹兹堡的最后一天遭到了持枪劫掠。The cameraman and sound recordist were mugged on their last day in Pittsburgh.