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他们得到充足的时间来开棺验尸。He wanted to get enough time to exhume the body.

验尸判定她死于水中毒。A postmortem found she had died of water intoxication.

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尸体被掘出来,由验尸官重新验尸。The corpse was disinterred and re-examined by the coroner.

初步验尸报告显示,菲奥雷被勒死。A preliminary coroner's report indicated Fiore was strangled.

本周一的下午将在伦敦进行验尸。An autopsy is due to be performed Monday afternoon in London.

结果验尸的数量骤然下降。In consequence, the number of postmortems has fallen quickly.

他们得到充足的时间来开棺验尸。That should give us more than enough time to exhume the body.

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但是周二进行的验尸结果显示她的身体并没有外伤的痕迹。But an autopsy Tuesday found no evidence of trauma on her body.

或许吧。但是他们没有向家属出示任何的验尸报告。Maybe. But they haven't showed any autopsy report to the family.

但是并没有进行验尸,死因不明。They were never autopsied, and the cause of death remained unknown.

在两个伊拉克案件中,验尸报告为俘虏是被虐致死这一事实提供了证据。In two Iraqi cases postmortems revealed evidence of death by torture.

差斥的尸身终于摆在了验尸台上。Poor denounced the corpse was finally placed in the postmortem stage.

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由警察病理学家进行验尸.The post mortem was carried out or was conducted by the police pathologist.

当地警方所做的前两次验尸断定李树芬是溺水而死。Two previous autopsies by local police concluded that the girl had drowned.

最终的验尸报告已被洛杉机警方要求扣留了。The final coroner's report was withheld by request of the Los Angeles police.

验尸官最近在一份验尸报告中确认死亡原因为自杀。A coroner recently confirmed in an autopsy report that the death was a suicide.

美国民众还从没有看过真的X光片和验尸照片,为什么?The American public has yet to see the real X-rays and autopsy photographs. Why?

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他们告诉我们,他们通常在验尸的时候看到此类伤害They told us they normally only see such injuries in autopsies,” Mr. Glauser said.

治疗启动4~19周后通过对模型猴验尸来评价结核病。Monkeys were necropsied 4-19 weeks after beginning treatment and assessed for disease.

验尸报告已经出来,但还需要进一步的毒理测试。A post mortem examination has been carried out but further toxicology tests are required.