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所以请观察,倾听,询问,抚育。So observe, listen, ask, and parent.

阳光雨露抚育我成长。Raised by the sunshine, rains and dews.

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受过了“沉默”和“悠久”的抚育。Thou foster-child of Silence and slow Time.

但我们也需要家庭来抚育我们的子女。But we also need families to raise our children.

她抚育这个孩子就像自己的孩子一样。She cherished the child as though he were her own.

还讬他抚育自己的儿子安提约古,直到自己回来。And to bring up his son Antiochus, till he came again.

经验和智能编制了一个能够抚育恢复力的摇篮。Experience and intelligence meshed to foster resilience.

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我在襁褓中,受了母亲的抚育和照顾。I was nursed in swaddling clothes, and with great cares.

高耀洁女士收养抚育了无数的艾滋孤儿。Mrs. Gao Yaojie adopted and reared countless AIDS orphans.

长远看来,父母这样的抚育方式真的会带来伤害。In the long run this kind of parental help can really hurt.

老鸟和被抚育的小鸟,都会得到利益。The old birds or the fostered young would gain an advantage.

轻柔的抚摩对于人工抚育的幼犬是很有好处的。Gentle body massage is also beneficial for any hand-reared puppy.

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对不同抚育强度下的林分的生长状况进行了研究。The growth of stands with different tending intensity was studied.

探望权中止后,不与子女共同生活的一方仍有支付抚育费的义务。The non-custodial parent has the same obligation to support child.

这是妻子和我,得到的关于抚育孩子的最好建议。It was the best advice that my wife and I got regarding child-rearing.

第二至四部分为离婚后子女抚育费的给付期限、方式及变更进行了阐述。Introduced sons and daughters to bring up the characteristic of fee secondly.

抚育之馀,更传之驱邪杀鬼之术。He then becomes his assistant in exorcising ghosts and demons when he grows up.

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对森林抚育对生物多样性的影响进行长期定位研究。Long- term field study regarding biodiversity in tending should be carried out.

他们像有袋类哺乳动物,在育婴袋里抚育幼崽。Like marsupial mammals, Hutts nurse their young Huttlets in special brood pouches.

海象母亲非常尽职地抚育小海象,经常拥抱和抚摸它们的婴儿。Walrus mothers are extremely nurturing, constantly hugging and nuzzling their babies.