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并且从此而获得了新的〝用〞,新的神通。We gain new "use" and new theurgy.

并从此而获得了新的〝用〞,新的神通。We gain new "use" and new theurgy.

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只有掌握所有四种元素技能的神通才能阻止战争,当世界最需要他时,他却消失了。When the world need him most, he vanished.

分别是东邪、西毒、南帝、北丐、中神通,上演了一场新时代的“射雕英雄传”。They are this new era’s“Heroes of Eagle Shooters”.

既然新神通登场,那就意味着安昂已经过世。If there’s a new Avatar, that means Aang has passed on.

赚大钱的梦想,只能指望网络神通了。It's the kind of dream you'd expect from a Web wunderkind.

这就是神通过今天的圣经经节要你做的。That is what God is asking you to do in our Bible verse for today.

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指望雅利神什神通奇迹,者配活。Aryan gods were not expected to work miracles or control men's lives.

蒂帕嬷的这方面的神通曾由第三方测试过。Dipa Ma's abbilities in this regard were once tested by a third party.

这就是世尊说的神通、无学宿命、无学天眼等等。These are theurgy, no-learning skill, and heaven eye that Buddha mentioned.

希望藉修行的神通来搞钱、骗人,那是非常危险的。It is very dangerous that the theurgy by practice is used to make money and do fraud.

穆恁德拉知道神通不仅是不平常的,而且可能让人走偏道路。Munindra knew that psychic powers are not only amoral but also potentially seductive.

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穆恁德拉知道神通不仅是不寻常的,而且可能让人走偏道路。Munindra knew that psychic powers are not only a moral, but also potentially seductive.

犹太人的领袖在神通过摩西晓谕给人的律法上,添加了很多自造的法律。The Jewish leaders added hundreds of their own laws to the laws God gave through Moses.

面对来犯的火烈国士兵,“降世神通”安施展“水御术”展开还击。Facing the fire burning super-villains, "world nation soldiers who cast the" art "on water.

十一'友!我有如是之神通威力,如何往侍奉其他沙门或婆罗门耶?'。Sirs, I hold such psychic powers, why should I go to attend on other recluses and Brahmins ?

我们今天的读经讲的是神通过他的先知,何西阿斥责他的子民以色列人。We have read today an extreme rebuke to God's people, the nation of Israel, by the prophet Hosea.

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前一部降世神通类似巡回演出,主角们每一集都到新的地方。The first series was sort of a road show where every episode they were going to some new location.

没有神通的人只要元神觉醒,他的生命就是智慧生命。A person whose true spirit is awakened is a being of wisdom, even though he may not have theurgies.

除非突破神通阶,或许才能彻底抹去阴气吧。Unless destroy a magical power rank, Grey UGG Boots, probably just can thoroughly put on Yin spirit.