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我要逆来顺受,忍气吞声强作欢笑。I'll grin and bear it.

他经常忍气吞声地生活。He often gulps down a sob.

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林子君为了不暴露身份,忍气吞声。Lin Zijun in order not to expose the identity of it.

麦卡恩表示,要让他们明确一点,那就是“我是不会忍气吞声的。”Let them know "I'm not going to go quietly, " says McCann.

为了顾全面子,玛丽对于经理的侮辱只好忍气吞声。For saving face Mary had to choke down the manager's insult.

照当时情况,他除了忍气吞声又能怎么办呢?As things stood, what else could he do but swallow the insult?

对这种歪风忍气吞声,只会鼓励更多的歪风。To take such abuse lying down would only encourage more of it.

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当被老板指责时,很多雇员都得忍气吞声,承认错误。Many employees have to eat the crow when reproached by their bosses.

照当时情况,他除了忍气吞声又能怎么办呢?What else could he do other than swallow an insult under the then condition.

如果忍气吞声,听任对方的羞辱,那么国威何在?If swallow, allowing the other side's humiliation, then the prestige of the country?

忍气吞声了多年后,汤姆最终和他的老板摊牌了。After having submitted to humiliation for many years, Tom finally had it out with his boss.

一些童话故事总是向我们讲述那些依靠继父、母,忍气吞声的孩子们的故事。Some fairy tales always tell us some children with step-father or step-mother had to eat humble pie.

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威尔斯是如此肯定,以以致成千上成忍气吞声人相信了他的话,恐慌在整个国家蔓延开来。Welles was so Convincing that hundreds of people believed the story, and panic set off across the whole country.

也许你认为,这些人比较亲近,他们会接受你,并忍气吞声的,但若他们对你报以怨怒,也千万不要吃惊。Perhaps they will, but don't be surprised if they lash right back at you, expressing their own anger and frustration.

潘达派老马到店里把他们一天的收入全都拿走了,帅飘他们是忍气吞声,却又无可奈何。Pan to send the horse to the store has taken a day income all, handsome float them is submit to humiliation, but helpless.

为了免除被他摔打的迫害,也为了家里的盘碗,我必须忍气吞声,将就着他。In order to avoid persecution he beat, also in order to home dish, I must swallow insult and humiliation silently, with him.

清朝的时候,有一个药店,店里配药的小伙计常常挨老板的骂,他怕丢了饭碗,只好忍气吞声。Back in the Qing Dynasty, a drug store apprentice was always scolded by his boss. He had to bear the insult for fear of losing the job.

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而更多的人们则守着他们的电视关注事态发展,看着最初不可一世的印度政府走向忍气吞声。Many more are glued to their TV sets, watching developments as the initially defiant Indian government looks on track to eat humble pie.

你会成为令阴影躲藏起来的耀日吗,还是成为伫立原地忍气吞声的树木,或者成为遮天的乌云加速夜的到来?Will you be the sun that sends the shadow into hiding, the tree that stands still and is swallowed, or the dark cloud that hastens the night?

“忍气吞声”指的是尽管感觉自己受到了同事或老板的不公正待遇,但却“把事情闷在心里”或“径自走开”。Covert coping was listed as "letting thing pass without saying anything" and "going away" despite feelings of being hard done bycolleagues or bosses.