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沙朗斯通的智商为154。Sharon Stone's IQ is 154.

个别人怀疑自己的智商。Two others doubt their IQ.

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在拉森智商是一个典型。The Lassen iQ is a classic.

白痴的智商低于正常水平。An idiot has a subnormal IQ.

根据智商得分,你从15岁至25岁最聪明。From 18-25, according to I.Q.

他在智商测验中得了120分。She scored 120 in the IQ test.

阿甘是个智商只有75的低能儿。Forrest gump's IQ only 75 moron.

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智商与智力有何关联?How does IQ relate to intelligence?

由于低智商,他很容易被愚弄。He's easily fooled due tohis low IQ.

他的智商很高,但他的情商几乎是零。His IQ is high, but he has almost no EQ.

树懒的智商,女妖的行为。不带脏话。IQ of sloth, and the manner of banshees.

不良环境压抑了儿童的智商。Bad environments suppress children's I. Q.

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头的大小决定智商的高低?Does the size of your head affect your IQ?

说到智商测验,门萨无疑是个中翘楚。When it comes to IQ tests, Mensa is the king.

您们皆听过智商测验,对吗?Raise your hand if you've heard of an IQ test.

你因智商受聘,因情商升迁。While IQ gets you hired, EQ gets you promoted.

暑假会让你的智商下降。Summer vair coolingusingion ca new drop your IQ.

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法院对待智商低的人不同于正常人。The courts treat people with low IQs differently.

他到处吹嘘他儿子的智商高。He trumpeted his son's high intelligence quotient.

那么为什么海豚的智商进化到如此之高呢?Why then did dolphins evolve to become so brainy?