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他和我是同班学友。He and I are classmates.

刘凯是我的同班同学。Liu Kai is my classmate.

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不要推你的同班同学!Don't push your classmates!

她落后于她的同班同学。She trailed her classmates.

我必须赶上同班同学。I must catch up with my class.

他和我爸是59级同班同学。He was in my father’s class 59.

有些课程是男女同班的,And some of my classes are co-ed,

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其中一个是我的同班同学马华。One of them is my classmate Ma Hua.

她是兰兰。她是我的同班同学。She's Lan Lan . She's my classmate.

吉娜与她的同班同学相处得很融洽。Gina gets on well with her classmates.

田珊和刘冰是同班同学。Tian Shan and Liu Bing are classmates.

李雷与高山年龄一样大,他们是同班同学。Li Lei is Gao Shan, they're classmates.

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基蒂和她的同班同学有一项工程。Kitty and her classmates have a project.

李平学习和同班同学一样努力。Li Ping works as hard as his classmates.

玲玲和我同班班,她是我的朋友。Lingling's in my class. She's my friend.

我同班同学中有些人歌唱得很好。Some of my class-mates are good singers.

黄克文和林大卫是同班同学。Kevin Huang and David Lin are classmates.

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黄课文和林大卫是同班同学。Kevin Huang and David Lin are classmates.

李萍和张红是我的同班同学。Li Ping and Zhang Hong are my classmates.

她听到她的同班同学在向她喊加油。She heard her classmates rooting for her.