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他的行径很失体统。He bore himself most unbecomingly.

这里面暴露了他的赤裸裸的动机,竟达到有失体统的地步。It carried naked truth about his motives into indecency.

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当然他帮忙脱除了英国央行的神秘感,而且还不会太失体统。He certainly helped to demystify, if not quite de-dignify, the bank.

过去认为淑女跨骑马是件有失体统的事。In the past it was considered indecent for a lady to ride a horse astride.

他眼下更关心的是,这么晚去找泽?咛囟?有失体统。Now, he was more concerned about the impropriety of visiting Zeftel at this hour.

科学家认为洪堡鱿鱼智力发达,而且具有复杂的交流体统。Scientists believe that they are highly intelligent and use complex communication.

递茶杯、传蛋糕所造成的忙乱大受欢迎,在忙乱之中建立了一种有形的体统。Amid the welcome confusion of cups and cakes a certain physical decency established itself.

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分布在全美各地的十二家联邦储备银行构成了美国联邦储备体统。The Federal Reserve System consists of twelve banks strategically situated around the country.

得到后向台阶内绕流问题的数值解。此法可推广到求解有限区域内多体统流问题。The numerical method presented here can be extented to the flow over multi-bodies in finite domain.

助理或教堂牧师同一般行业的帮工比较,未免有失体统。It would be indecent to compare either a curate or a chaplain with a journeyman in any common trade.

这对孩子也是一种虐待,因为一个孩子应该有个正式的、体统的和正常的名字。It is also mean to do this to a child because a child should have a serious, decent, and normal name.

新的草莓种植收获机型号出品了,1.2米的幅宽,带处理体统和卸车系统。New strawberry plant harvester model, with 1,200 mm working width, cleaning star system and side unload.

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一个数据源可以四像关系型数据库管理体统这样的数据库,可以是面向对象型的数据库管理系统,可以是XML文档,也可以是简单文件等等.A data source could be a database such as an RDBMS, OODBMS, XML repository, flat file system, and so forth.

两人进行了互换。李头上抹的发胶太多,对他这个年龄的人来说实在有失体统。他成功的秘诀听上去并不怎么鼓舞人心。Lee wears more hair gel than is dignified for a man of his years and the secret of his success does not sound inspiring.

如果一个国家因总统24小时不在首府而众说纷纭,这个国家将成何体统。If the country is going to unravel because a President is not in Washington for 24 hours, we're in worse shape than we thought.

一周坚持三次半小时以上的运动,每天笑15分钟,这样会对人们的脉管体统大有裨益。Thirty minutes of exercise three times a week, and 15 minutes of laughter on a daily basis is probably good for the vascular system.

他想办一个合乎体统的婚礼,包括为新娘准备的新珠宝、为每位亲友和一个婚礼大接待处准备礼物等。He wanted to give his daughter a proper wedding, including new jewelry for the bride, gifts for every relative and a large reception.

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主要的补救方法,是创造一个真正的贵金属支持的货币体系来替代黑暗政府破碎不堪的货币体统。The primary remedy is the setting up of a true precious-metals-backed currency alternative to the dark cabal's broken monetary system.

但在有些国家,过时的法规仍然把诸如“图谋伤风败俗”或“玷污公众体统”等视为犯罪。But in some countries, outdated statutes still recognize offenses like “conspiracy to corrupt public morals” or “outraging public decency.”

有些研究者认为蜜蜂的免疫体统被压抑或者它们防卫蜂巢免被寄生虫侵袭的能力下降。Some research has suggested that the bees' immune systems have been suppressed or that they are less able to defend the hive from parasites.