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虾仁色拉也是我们特色菜。Salad is our special, too.

我们有鸡肉饭和虾仁饭。We serve chicken and shrimp.

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豆苗虾仁,我爸的最爱之一。One of my dad's favorite dish.

这是您的虾仁豆腐。Heres your shrimp with beancurd.

虾仁色拉油也是我们的特色菜。Shrimp salad is our specialty too.

你也可以用剁碎的虾仁来做锅贴。You can make this with diced shrimp as well.

请来虾仁饭,再要一杯咖啡。Shrimp pilaff, please. And also coffee, please.

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炒面,虾仁,鱿鱼,青口,海鱼,时蔬。Noodle, shrimp, squid, mussel, fish and vegetable.

我们可以向您推荐虾仁炒青豆吗?。May I recommend the shrimps sauted with green peas?

我可以向您推荐虾仁炒青豆。May I recommend the shrimps sautéed with green peas?

放入虾仁、蜜豆及调味料炒熟即成。Put in cooked shrimps and sugar snap peas. Add seasoning.

厨师的拿手菜是虾仁锅巴。The chef 's specialty is shrimp with crispy fried rice crust.

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厨师的拿手菜是虾仁锅巴。The chef's specialty is shrimps with crispy fried rice crust.

厨师的拿手菜是虾仁锅巴。The chef's speciality is shrimps with crispy fried rice crust.

是的。要两杯虾仁鸡尾酒和炸花生米来开胃。Yes. Two shrimp cocktails and some fried peanuts for appetizer.

虾仁洗净去泥肠,用纸巾抹去多余水份。Wash and devine the shrimps, dry them up with the kitchen towel.

我想先点一个虾仁杯和一个番茄红肠汤。I'd like to have a shrimp cocktail and the tomato sausage soup first.

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虾汤米粉配虾仁,豆芽,小排和蔬菜。Prow noodle soup with shrimp, bean sprout, pork rib and green vegetable.

虾仁,蟹柳,目鱼,三文鱼,吞拿鱼,青椒,菠萝,起司。Shrimps, Crabmeat, Squib, Salmon, Tuna Fish, Green Pepper, Pineapple & Cheese.

倒入饭,菠萝肉,提子,青豆,鸡蛋和虾仁,调入咖喱粉,盐和糖,继续翻炒至熟。Add in rice, diced pineapple, raisins, green peas, egg and shrimps. Stir briefly.