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那条西班牙种的狗如今乐滋滋地在舐我的手了。The Spanish dog now happily licks my hand.

这位演员受到热烈喝彩,心里感到乐滋滋的。The actor basked in appreciative applause.

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贝尔坐在自家屋顶上乐滋滋地唱歌。Bell sitting on his roof, sings delightedly.

他受到老师的表扬心里乐滋滋的。He was quite pleased to be praised by the teacher.

一想到要去巴黎,约翰就乐滋滋的。John smacked his lips at the prospect of going to Pairs.

他受到老师的表扬心里乐滋滋的。The teacher spoke in praise of the child for his honesty.

得到这份工作后,我一连几周都乐滋滋的。When I got the job, I was on cloud nine for several weeks.

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大卫简直目不转睛也看着她,詹尼见了心里乐滋滋的。David could not take his eyes off her. Jenny saw this and was delighted.

像大姐一样,我也给了她一些钱,她乐滋滋地跑开了。Like my older sister did for me , I gave her some money and off she went.

那位姑娘看到父母很喜欢她的男朋友,心里感到乐滋滋的。The girl felt very happy that her boyfriend made quite a hit with her parents.

想着,又可重温儿时那种久违的美味,心里乐滋滋的。Thinking, but also review the kind of long-lost childhood delicious, heart Le Zizi's.

说完,老老鼠带领小老鼠回到洞里,乐滋滋地进入了梦乡。After that, the older mouse brought his children heading back to cave, sleeping into dream quietly.

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报复的机会来了,他乐滋滋地把书翻到当天下午要学的那一课,然后把墨水泼在了上面。Here was his opportunity. He gratefully opened to the lesson for the afternoon and poured ink upon the page.

听到这话,老人立即叫儿子骑上驴去,然后乐滋滋地走在旁边,继续赶路。The old man hearing this, quickly made his son mounted the Ass, and continued to walk along merrily by his side.

为了能装回更多财宝,当晚金匠肩上背着许多大包,乐滋滋地上了路。That evening the goldsmith hung several pockets over his shoulders in order to be able to carry everything, and set off for the hill.

小甜甜爱粘我了,见我出门就不乐意,要我抱,虽然挺麻烦,但我心里乐滋滋的。Little Sweet likes to stick with me. When i am going to go out , she will come and hug me. Although the situation brings me trouble, but i feel sweet in my heart.

我想在每天的下午茶时间为你准备一块新鲜烘焙出炉的草莓蛋糕,看到你吃得像个小花猫,我也会在旁边乐滋滋地笑。I would bake you a fresh strawberry cake for every afternoon tea time. Knowing that you enjoy it like a happy little kitty makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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虽然我深深的爱着华盛顿,我喜欢和我的同事没事就扎堆聚伙,我乐滋滋的享受着为政府工作的种种便利。然而这一切都还不足以留住我,我急切的渴望去尝试一些新鲜刺激的东西。As much as I enjoyed DC, my coworkers, and the benefits of working for the government—I was bored with the repetitive nature of my job and I wanted to try something new.