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暴雨使庄稼倒伏。The heavy rain lodged the crops.

抗倒伏、抗旱或耐旱性强。It is resistant to lodging, drought, or drought enduring.

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倒伏严重影响玉米产量和品质。Lodging seriously influenced the yield and quality of maize.

检查起球的试样,如发现有明显不规则的倒伏现象。Check the pilled specimens for evidence of irregular tumbling.

中央棘刺状突起并非伸向细胞片面外,而是倒伏包埋在细胞中。The protuberances on the center of echinocytes are lodged and embedded.

施用硅肥能提高作物抗倒伏和抗病能力。Silicon application enhanced the resistance of rice to lodging and diseases.

受雨淞为害的毛竹出现折裂、倒伏和弯曲变形三种情况。Phyllostachys pubescens harmed by glazed frost shows breaking, lodging and winding.

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当洋葱鳞茎顶部的叶子干枯、倒伏后,就可以把鳞茎从地里拔出。The bulbs can be pulled from the ground once their tops have dried and fallen over.

同时国内外对作物抗倒伏研究也仅处于描述性研究阶段。At same time, the study of the resistance to crop lodging is just in descriptive stage.

飓风所到之处,庄稼倒伏,树根拔起,房顶掀飞。The hurricane flattered crops, uprooted trees, washed away roads and rippled off roofs.

单株产量与倒伏指数呈极显著正相关。The yield per plant prsented highly significant positive correlation with lodging index.

如果小麦或稻谷的穗部长得太大,植株就会倒伏并死掉。If the head of a wheat or rice plant grows too big, the plant will fall over, killing it.

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阐述了水稻倒伏发生的原因,提出了相应的防治对策。The reasons of rice lodging were analyzed, and the control countermeasures were put forward.

不育性稳定,一般配合力高,抗丝黑穗病、抗叶病、抗倒伏。The hybrid is resistant to head smut aphids, leaf disease, lodging, drought and waterlogging.

基施加追施的方法能有效增产而不倒伏。This fertilizing method of basal plus dressing can take an effect on high yield without lodging.

通过利用特殊矮秆基因来控制株高将是解决倒伏问题的有效方法。Using dwarf genes to decrease plant height is an effective approach to resolve the lodging problem.

抗倒伏性的加、显性效应都重要,但其加性效应占绝对优势。Both additive and dominant genetic effects were significant, but the former was absolutely superior.

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由于多种原因,时有行道树倒伏压车、影响交通或折枝伤人等事故的发生。There are Various accidents caused by street trees falling, vehicles pressing, and branches hurting.

水稻应用本品后稻苗均衡健壮生长、根系发达、分蘖多、不徒长、早熟、增产且抗倒伏能力增强、增加抗病性。With application of this product, the anti-lodging ability and disease resistance of rice can be enhanced.

髓和茎横切面的面积比值大小是影响倒伏的重要因素。The area ratio between the transection of pith and whole stern is an important factor on lodging-resistant.