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水压用临时扳手制作完。Temporary wrenches have been finished.

宽窄不一样的管子就会制造出不同的水压。Various pressures were achieved with wide or narrow pipes.

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因此水压试验时只能用洁净的水进行。Hereby the fresh water should be used in the pressure test.

这个庞大的珊瑚礁结构是更甚于敬畏的水压起重机所能做出的结果。The vast structures that result do more than awe snorkelers.

“由水压造成的损坏几乎不可能发生,”他们表示。"Damage by water pressure almost does not occur, " they claim.

它向所有的方向都施加压力,这叫水压。It exerts pressure in all directions and is called water pressure.

水将流进管道系统内,直至系统水满并达到所需的水压。Water will flow into the system until it is full and under pressure.

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水压试验是储罐建造中不可或缺的重要工序。Hydrotest is an indispensable procedure of storage tank construction.

更换下列各处损坏的柳钉并做水压试验。To renew defective rivets and conduct water test in following places.

根据零件图试制双台肩钻具接头,对其进行上卸扣试验和水压密封测试。We manufacture the tool joint, make the seal test and make-and-break test.

本文介绍了用边界元法求解动水压力的原理与方法。In this paper, the principle of hydrodynamic pressure by BEM is introduced.

我增加了水压,她打了个滑,摔在满是泡沫的地上。When I increased the water pressure, she slipped and fell on the sudsy floor.

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当大坝建成,逐渐积累的水压压向下方的岩石。When a dam is built, the accumulating water presses down upon the rock below.

每只弹簧安全阀都带有水压试验堵塞及试验压紧工具。Hydrostatic test plugs will be provided for all the spring loaded safety valves.

探索一种在水压试验中获得稳定高压的方法。A kind of new way to the pressure-proof test of pressure vessel has been explored.

通过算例,分析了桩群不同桩距、不同入桩顺序对超静孔隙水压力的影响。And effects of pile spacing and driving order of pile group on EPWP were analyzed.

消防时启动消防水泵满足消防用水量和水压要求。Fire when they fire water pumps and pressure to meet the requirements of the fire.

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过水压保护功能,可在水压超高时自动泄压。Over the protection of water features in ultra-high pressure relief automatically.

表面质量,几何尺寸合格,涡流探伤代替水压试验。Surface quality and geometry are qualified, eddy current instead of pressure test.

舰船航行时在其下方附近产生水压场。The hull movement through the water will cause pressure distortion around the ship.