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因为她们被认为是不一样的,低人一等的。Because they are thought of as different and inferior.

一个不结婚的女人会被视为不正常或低人一等。A woman,who is unmarried,will be viewed unformal or inferior.

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一个不结婚的女人会被视为不正常或低人一等。It seems to be abnormal or inferior when a woman don't married.

一个不结婚的女人会被视为不正常或低人一等。A woman who did not marry was thought to be inferior and abnormal.

千万不要因为别人的成功而感到低人一等或是去嫉妒别人。Don’t let someone else’s success make you feel diminished or jealous.

而一个不结婚的女人会被视为不正常或低人一等。And a woman who did not marry was thought to be inferior and abnormal.

女性不为成为人上人而努力,往往就被认为是低人一等。Because they are not struggling to be one-up, women often find themselves framed as one-down.

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如今,低人一等的观念已不复存在,很多上海人渴望过去的自豪。Today, while any idea of inferiority has vanished, many Shanghainese yearn for a past grandeur.

当你遇到高傲的旅客用他们的经历来贬低你的时候,窍门就是别觉得自己低人一等。The trick is to not feel subpar when a travel snob overshadows your story with one of their own.

所以,如果你或你的亲人得了抑郁症,千万不要感到见不得人或低人一等,仿佛做了什么亏心事一般。So if you or your family are depressed must not feel shameful or inferior as if a general what did.

过去,由于受封建思想影响,男青年到女方家落户被看做是低人一等的事。In the past, few Chinese men were willing to be "daochamen"—men who lived with their brides ' families.

我并不觉得低人一等,每三个月我总要在医院的急诊室待一个月。I myself don't feel second-class because I spend every third month in the emergency room of the hospital.

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比赛的其他时候则在削弱客队的意志——他们努力不让自己陷入低人一等的恐惧中。At other moments it must have taken strength of mind for the visitors not to lapse into an inferiority complex.

在大多数富人眼里,乞丐低人一等。他们蓬头垢面、衣衫褴褛、纠缠不休又粗野不文。In the eyes of most of the well-to-do, a beggar is an inferior being, somebody who's scruffy and unwashed, pushy and rude.

在19世纪晚期以前,中国一直将其它民族看做低人一等的“蛮夷”,也就是说中国人根本不重视他们。Until the late 19th century, the Chinese regarded all other peoples as inferior 'barbarians', and simply didn't take them seriously.

选择求助对象时要聪明一些、当心一些——不要找那些会让你产生低人一等感受的人,即便找的是你非常信任的人,也要慢慢来。Choose wisely and carefully – avoid people who make you feel a lesser person in any way, and even with those you do trust, take it slowly.

“就好像我们总是低人一等似的,”在迷你吧台制造厂工作的玛特先生如是说道,“我很当心我孩子的安全。"It feels like we're less appreciated, " said Mr. Marte, who works for a company that manufactures minibars. "I worry about my kid's safety.

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从那时起我潜意识中开始相信,从某种意义上来说我是低人一等的,我甚至没有权力和他走在相同的街道上。I had started to believe, on a very unconscious level, that I was somehow sub-human, that I had no right to even walk the same streets he did.

尽管巴勒斯坦社会由男人统治,妇女被视为低人一等,母亲仍有权要求她们的领导人做出改变。Even though Palestinian society is patriarchal, with women treated as inferiors, mothers still have the power to demand changes from their leaders.

“这是朝鲜第二次核试验,而且引爆成功,足以表明他们已是拥有核武器的国家,”二人周一发表分析文章称,并指出这代表金正日领导的政府在美国等强国面前提高了自己的地位,不再因为核能力不明而低人一等。"This second, successful detonation underscores the perception that they are now a nuclear weapons state," they wrote in an analysis published on Monday.