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相反地,它会让你成为一个更强更有悟性的投资者。It'll just make you a stronger and savvier investor.

这些成功故事主要关乎于悟性和选择。These success stories revolve strictly around perception and choice.

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我若用方言祷告、是我的灵祷告.但我的悟性没有果效。For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful.

马锦仪凭着过人的悟性,不断地超越自己。Ma Kam-yee With extraordinary savvy and constantly surpass themselves.

悟性是体,觉悟是用,审美妙悟是由悟性发出的认识活动。Savvying is medium, and consciousness is the application of the medium.

傅天琳悟性敏锐、深沉,她感悟生活,感悟真理,感悟人生。Fu Tian-lin has deep and sharp understanding of living, truth, and life.

他们盛赞Zipcar公司的技术悟性和全球扩张计划。They praise Zipcar's technological savvy and its plans for overseas expansion.

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除非是和音乐方面的知识和悟性结合起来,单纯的技巧没有任何用处。Technique is of no use unless it is combined with musical knowledge and understanding.

因为神使它没有智慧,也未将悟性赐给它。Because God hath deprived her of wisdom, neither hath he imparted to her understanding.

因为我们既无修佛的悟性,也无修道的根骨,能做的惟有修身持家而已。Because we did not have to fix a perception, no religious root bone, can do is to housekeeping.

我已听见那羞辱我,责备我的话。我的悟性叫我回答。I have heard the check of my reproach, and the spirit of my understanding causeth me to answer.

具体地说,人和动物都是靠扫一眼,就凭直觉,或者悟性估计出物体的数量。Specifically, people and animals subitize, or perceive and estimate the number of objects by glance.

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本文从宏观、微观、悟性和变化四个方面来分析鲁迅式的谐趣感。This paper analyzes Lu Xun's humor in the macroscopic, microscopic, savvy and transformable aspects.

她光秃秃的脑袋使她看起来像个年纪更大些的、有悟性的加州女电影人。Her baldish head made her look like an older and savvy California woman involved in the movie industry.

由于从小受到的家庭熏陶,他对篮球的悟性,逐渐显露出来。The family edifies since from childhood, he manifests itself gradually to the basketball comprehension.

你可以说,这较不像是真实主张的本体,而较像是狡猾的诀窍意识,或说政治悟性。You might say it is less a body of true propositions than a shrewd sense of know-how or political savvy.

由于力大无穷、在技术方面很有悟性,伍基人作为劳工被帝国奴役。For their brutish strength and technological savvy, Wookiees were enslaved by the Empire for use as labor.

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因此,觉悟性高和品行端正是一个合格的采购人员应有的基本素质。As a result, high awareness and good conduct is a qualified procurement officers should have the basic quality.

她具有寻求解放的斗士的悟性,更排场的生活向她发出了诱人的光辉。She had the aptitude of the struggler who seeks emancipation. The glow of a more showy life was not lost upon her.

因而三真实地是附属甚而对在什么之下的普遍标记是或在我们的悟性之外的正常范围。Thus the three are truly universal marks pertaining even to what is below or beyond our normal range of perception.