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你直面过你的愤怒吗?Have you faced your anger?

让我们直面它,电视使心态麻木。Let’s face it, TV is mind-numbing.

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我们如何直面文本?How do we meet the text face-to-face?

但爱德华多似乎做好了直面现实的准备。But Eduardo seemed ready to confront reality.

直面愧疚,内心方获平衡。Balance is found in the one who faces his guilt.

这个就直面道德论点了。And that is the straightforwardly moral argument.

大丈夫直面卑怯的凶手。Like men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack.

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真正的勇士敢于直面惨淡的人生!True warrior dare to face the gloomy life! ! ! ! !

他明白,我们必须直面气候变化。He understands we have to face up to climate change.

拒绝直面真相正在成为主旋律。Refusal to face up to the truth is becoming a theme.

部分患者再起作用下逐渐转好,直面恐惧和情感。Part of getting better is to face the fears and sensations.

同时,不要过分地保护他而不让他去直面恐惧。At the same time don’t overprotect him from facing his fear.

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我们都害怕直面自己的命运,有时候需要别人推一把。Destiny is a scary thing to face. We all need a little push.

无论你的人生是怎样,都要直面人生,然后热爱它。Always to look life in the face and to know it for what it is.

直面你的问题,让自己变得比他们更强大。Facing your problems head-on and growing bigger then they are.

最早的真核细胞肯定直面过所有这三个难题。The first eukaryotic cells faced all three problems in spades.

这部分是关于直面历史不断重演的事实。This part faces the reality that history often repeats itself.

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战士们直面困难,不畏艰险。The soldiers are face their difficulties directly without fear.

所以,当我直面童真的时辰,我才感觉太假,太梦幻了。So, when I face the chelloldhood, I just feel too damn dream up.

当你直面自己的真实情况时,你发现会完全的释然。When you face your own truth, you’ll find it’s an enormous relief.