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这香味使她陶醉。The scents made her drunk.

陶醉于“可能性游戏”Revel in the “game of maybe”

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一生中少年时代的陶醉!Matutinal intoxication of life!

我陶醉在梦境花芳的海洋。I feel I should be in the dream.

这是一个令人陶醉的三月之夜。It was a slap-happy March evening.

他陶醉在别人的奉承中。He basks in other people's adulation.

我们要不要为俄罗斯来陶醉一下呢?Shall we go into ecstasies over Russia?

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月色皎美令她陶醉。The beauty of the moon ensorcelled her.

这种梦想使我们兴奋甚至陶醉。The dream excites, even intoxicates us.

诗歌是陶醉心灵的智慧。Poetry is wisdom that enchants the heart.

我们不可吃或者陶醉在教室。We must not eat or drink in the classroom.

他陶醉在那悦耳的音乐中。He was enchanted with the euphonious music.

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溪水发出的优美声音让我陶醉。The dulcet sound of the stream ravishes me.

“中国太美了,让我陶醉”用英语怎么说?。China is too beautiful to make me inebriety.

参赛者陶醉在自己的歌声中。Contestants mesmerised by their own singing.

唐娜陶醉在她新发现的自由王国里。Dona was rejoicing in her new-found freedom.

她的微笑使我完全陶醉了。I was utterly ravished by the way she smiled.

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她陶醉于林地的美景。She drank in the beauty of the woodland scene.

在信仰方面,他们也因为崇拜偶像而陶醉其中。But they were also drunk with their idolatries.

白蜜蜂,你在我的心灵中嗡鸣,陶醉于那里的蜜浆。White bee, you buzz in my soul, drunk with honey.