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有先进的油嘴生产设备和雄厚的技术力量。Glib has advanced production equipment and strong technical force.

拉伸环必须有油嘴对每个入块注射油脂。Insert draw rings will have Zerk Fitting to inject grease to each insert.

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配置润滑油油嘴对阀杆衬套进行润滑,使得阀门操作更加容易。Lubricant fitting is provided to permit stem bushing lubrication for ease of operation.

在喷油器校验器和喷油泵试验台上对密封座面直径不同的两种油嘴的进行了试验。Two kinds of nozzles with different sealing diameters are tested on the nozzle tester and pump test bench.

油嘴的喷油锥体形式及喷油锥角对现用加热器的性能影响不大。Different forms of injection cone and different injection cone angle have little influence on current heaters.

请按说明书规定的周期清洗风轮、蜗壳、通油嘴和排油管。Please wash cycle, according to the instructions provided for the wind wheel, scroll, through nozzle and drain line.

事实上,油气水沿管路共流过程中,特别是经油嘴、阀门等管件时受到剧烈扰动,混输管路的液相大都是原油乳状液。The liquid is mostly the crude oil emulsion when oil-gas-water mixture pasts through the pipeline, especially oil nibs , valves.

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为了方便润滑,应用不锈钢管尽可能把黄油嘴聚拢在同一个地方。Grease fittings shall be gathered at the same place as much as possible by means of stainless steel tubing for convenient lubrication.

文中着重介绍了五种燃烧室和两种油嘴的配合情况及其结果的分析。The matched condition and its resulting analysis of five combustion chambers and two kinds of nozzles are introduced with special emphasis.

针对目前海上油井在油嘴处的结腊、死油等问题,研制出一种自动控制油嘴温度的油嘴套。Based on the question of wax deposit and dead oil in choke of offshore wells, a self-regulating temperature choke seat is developed by author.

产能试井设计中的关键就是设计合适的油嘴,以获得稳定可靠的产量和压力资料。The key of the well test design for productivity is to design reasonable nozzle in order to obtain steady and reliable productivity and pressure data.

文章针对天然气可的压缩性以及高产天然气井井口高压的特点,提出节流油嘴压力分布的一维计算方法。This article writes for high pressure gas wells under the consideration of gas compression and proposed one-dimensional calculation method for chocks.

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水平井试井合理压差的确定实际上是与水平井合理产能相对应,而合理的产能是通过选择合理的油嘴来实现的。The determination of reasonable pressure difference for horizontal well test is relevant to the reasonable productivity which is determined by the selection of nozzle.

油嘴在电泵井的生产中起控制产量和降低回压的作用,但是在日常生产中,油嘴孔很容易被高速液体刺大,因而使用寿命短。The choke acts as controlling the production and lowering the back pressure in the electric submersible pump. Because of the high speed of liquid the life of the choke is short.

激光标刻及激光旋转标刻广泛适用于发动机油嘴、火花塞、传感器、仪表盘面板、音响面板、刹车瓦等精密快速打标。Laser carving and laser rotary carving are widely applicable in fast precision marking of engine jets, sparking plugs, sensors, instrumental panels, music panels, brake linings, etc.

对比分析结果表明,在预计的排量范围和寿命周期内,有些情况采用井口油嘴调参比变频调参更简单经济。Within estimated pumping rate and lifetime cycle, correlation analysis shows that surface choke adjusting-parameter is sometimes more simple and economic than VSD adjusting-parameter.

最后对喷射式燃油加热器所用油嘴进行了不同供油量、不同喷油锥体形式和不同喷油锥角台架试验研究。At the end, an experimental research is carried out on the oil injectors used for injector heater with different oil-supply, different forms of injection cone and different injection cone angle.