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漫画令我心神安宁。Cartooning calms me down.

每当我躺在床上不眠,或心神空茫,或默默沉思。I lIe In vacant or In pensIve mood.

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太极拳更重视修身养性,心神安静。Practicing Quan is to calm your mind.

触向你心神之纵深处张望。They look into the beauty of thy mind.

她一夜心神烦乱,很早就醒了。She awoke early after a disturbed night.

我感到失落,心神恍惚地走进起居室。Feeling lost, I wandered into the living room.

我发现自己的心神七零八落,到处都是。I noticed that my mind was all over the place.

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对我唱月色撩人,吻我似心神俱失And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.

客人心神领会,会格外高兴。Guest's mind appreciates, will be particularly happy.

亨利。福特在学校里一再心神恍惚。Henry Ford didn't be sure you pay guidance in school.

每当我躺在床上不眠,或心神空茫,或默默沉思。For oft, when on my couch I lIe In vacant or In pensIve mood.

心神纷乱的读者无法专心于抽象的节录.The distracted reader can’t be absorbed in the abstract extract.

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好像在告诫我恢复心神,去守候七月一场久违的雨景。As told me recover spirit, waiting for a long time the rain in July.

去北加州住一阵子,但在心神松懒前搬走。Live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.

他们的眼睛是画作中最黑暗和摄人心神的部份。Their eyes are the darkest and most arresting aspect of the painting.

她的手柔软温暖,只是轻轻的接触,足可使人心神荡漾。Her soft hands warm, but lightly contacts, it will be one mind Bobble.

出于警报目的,它必然会设计成为吵闹、刺耳和扰人心神的。Alarms are designed to be purposefully loud, discordant, and disturbing.

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还分析了情志的产生与五脏和心神有关。It analyses the development of emotions relates to five organs and mind.

现在收敛心神,我们来看本课的课件Now from the ridiculous to the sublime, we're going to go to our first slide.

朵索看着又被苏舒薇牵走心神的苏切,默默流下了眼泪。Flowers line looking at it was Sue Su Shu eu it. mind cut, quietly shed tears.