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一枝腊梅开。Lo, what a blooming wintersweet!

腊梅的枝桠也已经覆上了厚厚的积雪。The branch of La plum also already answer last very thick accumulated snow.

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当时是冬天,但校园的空气因为腊梅而变得清香。It was winter, but the air in the campus was fragrant because of winter sweets.

对于腊梅,英语叫做冬季甜香,应该给予尊敬。Chimonanthus fragrans, in English the Winter-sweet, should have a place of honour.

我爱腊梅,爱它的外表,更爱它傲雪独放的精神。I love Lamei, love it's appearance, but also love it let alone the spirit of Ao-xue.

王芷兰拉起腊梅就跑,白胡子紧追不放,直到小南河附近。Wang Zhilan pulled the wintersweet run, white beard pressed on, until near the river.

中国南方一些城市的腊梅一般在十二月中下旬开放。Wintersweet usually blossoms in mid-to-late December in some southern cities of China.

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华美的非洲菊加亮这富有的着色的洋腊梅燕尾蝶。Colorful gerbera daisies highlight the rich coloration of a spicebush swallowtail butterfly.

小圆桌铺上了台布,添了瓶盛开的腊梅,吐着幽香。A cloth had been spread over a little round table on which was a vase of fragrant plum blossom.

不要像玻璃那样脆弱,而应像水晶一样透明,太阳一样辉煌,腊梅一样坚强。Don't be so frail as glass, but as transparent as crystal, as shiny as sun, as tough as calyx canthus.

没有苦中苦,哪来甜中甜?不要像玻璃那样脆弱,而应像水晶一样透明,太阳一样辉煌,腊梅一样坚强。Don't be so frail as glass, but as transparent as crystal, as shiny as sun, as tough as calyx canthus.

主人在他们加利福尼亚州腊梅萨的房屋外面用岩石和仙人掌代替了原来的绿色景观。Outside their home in La Mesa, Calif. , owners have replaced green landscaping with rocks and cactuses.

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那些陈旧的理论和俗套的想法,一起在年轮的分水岭上随同一树的腊梅凋谢。The theory and cliches of those old ideas, along with a watershed in the growth rings on trees bloom along with a wither.

另外兰花、桂花、腊梅等植物的纤毛能截留并吸滞空气中的飘浮微粒及烟尘。Additionally the floral cilium such as orchid, sweet-scented osmanthus, wintersweet can be held back and suck the float particle in sluggish air and soot.

那点点樱红仿佛是泼墨山水画里的腊梅,渲染着这充满中国艺术气息与涵养的画卷。That little bit of Yinghong like a splash-ink landscape paintings of the bloom, rendering for this is full of Chinese art and the conservation of the picture.

醉菊又说院子里一夜之间竟然多了好几棵腊梅树,也不知道是谁栽的,娉婷会心地笑了,她知道是楚北捷连夜为了她而栽的。Drunk between chrysanthemum Yard said night even more good trees bloom the tree, do not know who is planted, and laughed, she knew it was the night for her Beijie Chu culture.

在此基础上定义了模糊相似系数,并计算出模糊相似系数矩阵,进而采用“最大树”法将其划分为13个品种类群,为鄢陵素心腊梅类品种的进一步定名研究提供了数量依据。And then the Yan-ling subus. praecox is divided into 13 classes by means of maximum tree met-hod. This provides a quantitive evidence for further naming the Yanling sub-us. praecox.

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结果表明,腊梅和香叶树的光—光合特性较为优良,它们对光合有效辐射的适应幅度更宽,净光合速率较高。It was found that the net photosynthetic rates were high, and they can accommodate a wider range of PAR in certain environmental conditions for Chimonanthus praecox and Lindera communis.

香叶树的暗呼吸强度最低而水分利用效率最高,腊梅则对土壤矿质营养的选择性主动吸收能力最强。Among these four species, the dark respiration rate was lowest and the water use efficiency was highest for L. communis, and the selected absorptance of mineral nutrients was strong in C.

最令我高兴的事儿便是采花了,有粉色娇艳的玫瑰,高贵典雅的郁金香,还有稀有的夏腊梅等等,这些珍奇异花被送入我的私人花店。I was most pleased Shier is gathering flowers, and a dainty pink roses, noble and elegant tulips, as well as the rare summer bloom, etc. , these exotica perianth into my personal florist.