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你有没有面额小一点的钞票?Do you have any smaller bills?

你有什么面额的?What denomination do you have?

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他寄给我四张五十圆面额的钞票。He sent me four fifty-dollar notes.

他从衣袋里掏出一沓面额10英镑的钱。He pulled a wad of 10 notes out of his pocket.

如果面额超过1000日元一些站点不能提供兑换。Some stations cannot change bills larger that Y1, 000.

也许你应该让手头上的钱都是大面额。Maybe you should keep your on-hand greenery in big bills.

你要哪种面额的旅行支票?In what denominations would you like the traveler's checks?

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我希看给我10张面额为100美圆的旅游支票。I hope you'll give me ten traveler's cheques of 100 dollars each.

我们已收到贵方面额250,000元支票一张,此款我们已转入贵方所赊。We receive your cheque, value ¥250,000 which we have pass to your.

请给我五百元一百元面额的,一百元十元面额的。Please give me five hundre yuan in hundreds and one hundred in tens.

随身带点当地的现金,最好是小面额的。Carry some local currency with you, preferably in small denominations.

微红的面额与红琥珀一起在耀眼的灯光中闪烁。Bits of her ruddy cheeks sparkled as the amber glinted in dazzling lights.

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香港有三家银行发行货币,花钱注意看清面额。Hong Kong has three Banks issue currency, spend attention see denominations.

小费面额之大令服务员大为吃惊,凭着直觉,她将小费作为赌注赌了一把。The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip, bet the whole thing on a hunch.

依贸易惯例,扣除2□折扣后,奉上面额为90英镑支票一张。We send you herewith a cheque, value90have deduct the usual trade discount of2.

1998年收缴的所有面额假币总量为807张。In 1998, the total number of seized counterfeit notes of all denominations was 807.

在德国,一位先生最近去银行试图兑换一张一百万美金面额的纸钞。A man in Germany recently went to a bank to try and exchange a one million dollar bill.

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他看见几个问题与该司的新教徒更小面额的。He saw few problems with the division of Protestants into more and smaller denominations.

没有一个人有更小面额的,也没有回真的承认他们想要回找零。None of them will have anything smaller, and none will actually admit they want change back.

在机场换钞时,要坚持换些小面额的钞票以支付计程车资。When you change money at the airport, insist on small denominations to pay for the taxi fare.