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如今求知之路畅通无阻。The path to knowledge is now unbarred.

第一,求知的能力。First, the power to know, you could say.

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求知的好奇心来自于新鲜想法和思考的需要。Intellectual curiosity is about ideas and the need to think.

这个藏书室代表了他对于求知和真理的信念。This library came to stand for his belief in learning and truth.

是求知者享受快乐阅读的幸福日。Is the knowledge seekers, enjoy the pleasure of reading a happy day.

和一般旅游相比,反向旅游的求知求奇效益更大。Compared with general tourism, it's benefit more in seeking knowledge.

感谢你,史蒂夫,当你求知若饥时已经展现了这一切。Thank you, Steve, for showing us what can happen when you stay hungry.

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求知和阅世的过程,就是打开这些门的过程。To learn and see the world process, is to open the door in the process.

求知门径颇多,或阅读或思考或观察或实践。We gain knowledge by reading, by reflection, by observation or by practice.

他好奇的本质比欲望更强烈,或许你们会说,他求知的欲望比爱的欲望强烈。Or, you might say, his desire to know is more active than his desire to love.

那是他们在停刊时写下的告别讯息,“求知若饥,虚心若愚”。It was their farewell message as they signed off. "Stay hungry, stay foolish."

求知门径颇多,或阅读,或回忆,或观察,或实践。We can gain knowledge by reading , by reflection , by observation , or by practice.

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知识是一种使求知者吃得越多越觉得饿的粮食。Knowledge is a kind of food that the more the inquisitive eats, the more hungry he gets.

求知的能力,是我们透过双眼辨别,同一城邦或城市成员的能力。The power to know is our ability to recognize, by sight, members of the same polis or city.

王秋霞是北京环保组织“达尔问自然求知社”项目官员。Wang Qiuxia is a project officer at Beijing- based environmental organisation Green Beagle.

更糟的是,他们把体力劳动视为求知过程中极为平常的一部分。Worse, they think nothing of engaging in actual manual labour in their pursuit of knowledge.

西方哲学从古希腊开始就以求知求真为其主题。From ancient Greece on, pursuing knowledge and truth has been the motif of western philosophy.

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人们对旅游的动机是为了满足求乐、求奇、求知和求美的心理。The motives for people to tour is to look for joys, for marvels, for knowledge and for beauty.

只有艺术才能控制人类科学求知冲动,重建“伟大的文化”。Third, only art can control human impulse of longing for knowledge, and rebuilds "great culture".

我们不能假设探索和求知行为都是由同一种好奇引起的。We should not assume that exploratory and intellectual behavior is motivated by a common curiosity.