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羊肉、红酒烩腰花等等。Stewed Mutton, Kidney in Red Wine, etc.

再说我也没有点这煎牛腰花呀。And I didn't order this fried ox kidney, either.

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我们还有洋葱铁扒猪排,白豆焖猪排,炖羊肉,红酒烩腰花等其他许多菜。I think I'll try the Roast Pork Chop with Sour Cabbage and the Stewed Mutton.

白豆焖猪排,炖羊肉,红酒烩腰花等其他许多菜。Braised Pork Chop with White Beans, Stewed Mutton, Kidney in Red Wine, and many other dishes.

香米软饭,牛肉烧土豆,蚝油焖茭白胡萝卜,生菜腰花汤,梨。Rice, Braised beef with potato, Braised wild rice stem with carrot, Lettuce soup with sliced pork liver, Pear.

我们还有洋葱铁扒猪排,白豆焖猪排,炖羊肉,红酒烩腰花等其他许多菜。We also serve Grilled Pork Chop with Onion, Braised Pork Chop with White Beans, Stewed Mutton, Kidney in Red Wine, etc.

我们还有洋葱铁扒猪排,白豆焖猪排,炖羊肉,红酒烩腰花等其他许多菜。We also serve Grilled Pork Chop with Onion, Braised Pork Chop with White Beans, Stewed Mutton , Kidney in Red Wine, etc.

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我们还有洋葱铁扒猪排,白豆焖猪排,炖羊肉,红酒烩腰花等其他许多菜。We also serve Grilled Pork Chop with Onion, Braised Pork Chop with White Beans, Stewed Mutton , Kidney in Red Wine, and many other dishes.

是国内首届专业生产顶尖移门包覆铝材、包覆铝材成品门、木塑板、皮革、腰花大型生产厂家。Is the first professional production of the top sliding door coated aluminum, coated aluminum finished doors, wood panels, leather, kidney and large manufacturers.

他们会抱怨大量使用蛋黄酱等新食材的年轻厨师,并怀念被忽视的经典菜肴,如酱爆腰花。They gripe about young cooks who use lashings of new ingredients, like mayonnaise, and recall neglected classics, like sliced pig kidneys fried in fermented bean paste.

大凡施以“爆”法,其原料质地多脆硬,如鸡胗、腰花等,而鲜贝肉质软嫩,运用“油爆”却更胜一筹。Almost all impose "bursting" method, its texture more brittle hard materials, such as chicken gizzards, kidney, and so on, while the Xianbei meat Ruannen use the "fried" are superior.