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她和她养父生活在一起。She lived with her adoptive father.

他们为这些孤儿找到了养父养母。They placed the orphans with foster-parents.

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何夕看着她的养父问道。He Xi looking by her fosters dad to ask a way.

我的养父末底改知道了以后让我提醒国王。My Uncle Mordecai heard them and he told me to alert the king.

莱娅追随着她养父的脚步,投身政治。Leia followed in her adoptive father's footsteps, and entered politics.

在弹奏手风琴的养父的帮助下,她学会了阅读。Below the help of the foster father of spiccato accordion, she learned to read.

酒井法子,一个年轻的寡妇,和她的老年养父Shukichi生活在农场。A young widow, Noriko, lives with her senile father-in-law, Shukichi, on a farm.

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几天以后,爱德华接待了伯纳德的养父普罗菲恩迪先生的来访。A few days later Edouard received a call from Profitendieu, Bernard's foster father.

我听了养父的话就讲给国王,国王证实后将那两个罪犯被绞死。I did what I was told and those two criminals went to the gallows and they were hung.

像一般的犹太男人一样,他学了一个手艺,从他养父学做木匠。Like all Jewish men he learned a trade in His case carpentry from his step-father Joseph.

悲痛欲绝的果儿通过养父嘉穆了解到自己的身世之谜。Heartstricken fruit the mystery of the one's lot that through foster father Jia Mu knows him.

墨菲在该片中一人分饰Norbit、他的亚裔养父,以及超级肥胖的女友。In that film, Murphy plays Norbit, as well as his adopted Asian father and hugely obese girlfriend.

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乔布斯父母定下的领养条件之一就是,养父养母必须是大学生。The one requirement his biological parents had was that he be adopted by two college educated people.

近日,好莱坞巨星布拉德·皮特成为安吉丽娜·朱莉新近收养的孩子帕克斯的法定养父。Brad Pitt recently became the legal father of Pax Thien, not pictured, the latest in the Jolie-Pitt clan.

然而,在你养父冒险故事的熏陶下,你又无法满足于归隐的生活。However, inspired by your foster father's tales of adventure, you are not content with a cloistered life.

周二,彭先生和他的孩子见面了,孩子一直被认为是养父的人抚养,他已于去年去世。Peng was united with the child—who had been in the care of a supposedly adoptive father who died last year.

面对懦弱的养父、冷漠的养母、生病的弟弟,她用坚强撑起一片天。Confront cowardly foster father, chill foster mother, ailing little brother, she opens a season with adamancy.

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至于是否隐藏他们的犹太身份,完全由他们或他们的养父养母决定。All had dealt in some way with their own decision or that of their adoptive parents to hide their status as Jews.

是来到失忆的BIE的身边,在他面前说他养父的坏话,让自己变成了好人。Is come to the side of of BIE amnesia, before he speaks ill of his adoptive father, let oneself become a good man.

BIE的养父为了照顾他和保护他,忍辱负重地呆在BIE的身边,受尽BIE的欺负。BIE"s adoptive father to take care of him and protect him, bite the bullet to stay BIE"s side, suffered BIE"s bullying.