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有人想拉你做朋友,就因你位高是权要。Some people will be your friend, because of whom your position.

为了提高政府部门的工作效率,咱们必需与权要风纪作斗争。We must fight against the bureaucracy in order to improve governmental work.

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这巩固了梦露性感偶像的地位,也吸引了很多包括肯尼迪兄弟在内的权要人物的注意。This helped make Monroe a sexual icon and she gained interest from many powerful men, including the Kennedy brothers.

法院认为,男孩人身不受侵犯权要高于宗教信仰,高于其父母享受的父母权利。The court felt that the boy's right to inviolability trumped the religious and parental rights of his mother and father.

要是说对阿克顿勋爵的格言有什么补充的话,我只会说,自由裁量权要比制度中赋予的权利更容易造成腐败。I would only add to Acton's dictum that discretionary power is even more corrupting than the power embodied in regulations.

要是说对阿克顿勋爵的格言有什么补充的话,我只会说,自由裁量权要比制度中赋予的权利更容易造成腐败。I would only add to Acton’s dictum that discretionary power is even more corrupting than the power embodied in regulations.

周六早上,分队长告诉大家换上便服,总教官胡凯权要带新兵去跑步。On Saturday morning, commander would tell everyone put on casual, total instructor hu entitled to take recruits to running.

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“公共使用”是美国宪法第五修正案及州宪法用来表述公共利益的法律术语,政府行使征收权要满足“公共使用”的限定。In the United States, the Fifth Amendment and state constitutions require that private property may only be taken for a"public use".

办理构造地这种年夜范围地计划中运用非常复杂,在很年夜水平上受国度权要机构。The management structures used for such large scale programs are quite complex, governed in a large extent by national bureaucracies.

在这个职业里,服务的对象一般都是政界权要和社会名流以及一些演艺界的明星艺人。In this profession, the object of service is generally the political and social celebrities as well as some of the Performing Arts star.

我一个在政府工作的伴侣喜欢提醒他的那帮权要同事们“保留取决于顺应性。”A friend of mine who works for the government is fond of reminding his fellow bureaucrats that "survivability depends upon adaptability."

公司清偿时,债权人对公司资产的追偿权要先于普通股股东及优先股股东。In the case of insolvency, claims of debt in general, including bonds, are honored before those of both common stock and preferred stock.

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这种释明权要受到正义理念、科学方法论、解释规则、法官素质等约束。This right should be just that the right concept of scientific methodology, rules of interpretation, the quality of judges, and other constraints.

未来邻接权要得到更有效的保护,有赖于立法、司法、技术和公众守法意识水平的全面提高。In the future, it depends on the progress of legislation, justice, technologies and the law-abiding consciousness of the users to protect the neighboring rights more effectively.