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他是诚心诚意地想帮助你。He has a sincere desire to help you.

带上我的诚心诚意,送上我“成字”的祝福。Bring my sincere, send me "into the word" blessing.

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医生先生,我请您原谅,我诚心诚意请您特别原谅。I beg your pardon, doctor, I really beg your pardon.

一些政客必须诚心诚意的对财政政策负责。But some politicians must be sincere about being fiscally responsible.

我们双方都珍视中非传统友谊,诚心诚意致力于中非友好事业。We both value our traditional friendship and are committed to enhancing it.

“也可能,”丁梅斯代尔先生说,“他诚心诚意地切望如此,但他办不到。”"Perchance, " said Mr. Dimmesdale, "he earnestly desired it, but could not."

如果他们拒绝很快地作出诚心诚意的道歉,我们只好起诉了。If they refuse to make heart-felt apologies soon we will have to bring an action against them.

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这一段话奎尔普是诚心诚意撒谎,用不着过分深究就可以发现出来。That Quilp lied most heartily in this speech, it needed no very great penetration to discover.

对待多元就像对待其他商业准则一样,必须诚心诚意和坚定不移。You have to be as intentional and determined about diversity as any other business imperative.

除非你真的诚心诚意来做这件事,否则你绝不能随便说出你来这儿就是为了见见对方,或是被对方见见。You weren’t supposed to say you had come to see and be seenuntil and unless you really meant it.

他们都很爱国、聪明、勤奋,而且看上去确实诚心诚意想达成协议。They were all patriotic, intelligent, and hardworking, and they genuinely seemed to want an agreement.

吉姆晚上诚心诚意地带着吉吉出去散步,但小狗总是无精打采的,呜呜叫着,无限凄凉。Jim took Lucky for his evening walk faithfully, but the little dog just drooped, whining and miserable.

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这在某种程度上也并非诚心诚意,在亨利二世披上麻衣去忏悔之后,麻烦再度出现。This, too, was in some degree insincere, and trouble broke out afresh soon after Henry had donned sackcloth.

所以藉著王姓女孩生cancer这个机会,我们大家诚心诚意念地藏王菩萨。Let's take helping Miss Wang as an opportunity to recite Earth Store Bodhisattva's name earnestly and sincerely.

第四项训练要求我们,实践充满深情的语言,诚心诚意地倾听,从而减轻他人的痛苦。The Fourth Training asks us to practice loving speech and deep listening in order to relieve others of suffering.

你心里的这个诚心诚意的念头,刚刚动起来,诸佛显全身,你就能看到所有的佛都显现了。Soon after you give rise to the thought, with full sincerity, all the Buddhas shall appear in their perfect forms.

我们必须正确地实行礼仪,而且要诚心诚意地、自觉自愿地实行。We must execute the etiquettes exactly in the correct way, but also with perfect sincerity and perfect spontaneity.

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因此,我要让每个人对互联网这个电子通信的上帝诚心诚意地表达敬意。So, I'm asking everyone to get on their hands and knees and to pay homage to the tele-communications god, the Internet.

四达公司拥有一支高素质的销售队伍和一个诚心诚意为用户排忧解难的售后服务体系。Sida has a sales group of high quality and a after-sales service system to remove difficulty for customers wholeheartedly.

因此,我要让每个人对互联网这个电子通信的上帝诚心诚意地表达敬意。So, I'm asking everyone to get on their hands and knees and to pay homage20 to the tele- communications god, the Internet.