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把狄拉克方程分解成了两个单旋量的联立方程组。The Dirac equation is decomposed into a pair of equations of two spinors.

通过简单的张量的技术,大量的联立方程,成功地解决了。By simple tensor techniques, a large amount of simultaneous equations are solved successfully.

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联立方程待解未知量全部为边界标量、即模拟电磁荷双层源。All unknowns, i. e. double-layer electromagnetic charge sources, are scalar and near boundaries only.

本文探究经济计量学联立方程模型关于简约式定义的两种观点。This paper debates about the two definitions of reduced form for a linear simultaneous equation model.

通过联立方程对理论模型进行分析,得出的关税弹性要高于农产品进口单方程的结论。The tariff elasticity obtained from the simultaneous equation is bigger than it from the single equation.

本文提出的方法,概念清晰,计算简单,可省去解联立方程所花费的工作量。It can be also handled with clear conception and simple calculation without solving simultaneous equation.

静不定结构分析一般需要求解线性联立方程式。The analysis of statically indeterminate structures generally requires the solution of linear simultaneous.

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可通过解上述两个联立方程式求得未知混合物中两组分的浓度。The concentrations of the two components in a mixture are quantified by solving two simultaneous equations.

通过FOCSDT联立方程组新解法监测了复方氯唑沙宗片体外溶出度。Through the FOCSDT new equation group solution have monitored dissolution of compound chlorzoxazone tablets.

本文介绍一个通过样例来学习解二元一次联立方程的计算机学习系统。This paper describes a computer system learning to solve simultaneous linear equations by examining examples.

用力法计算超静定结构时,需要求解由多余未知力组成的联立方程。Combined equations have to be solved in the analysis of a super static determined structure with force method.

于是得到一组无穷联立方程,所得的结果表明这解法是有效的。Thus we get a set of infinite simultaneous equations. The results indicate the method of solution is effective.

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我记得学生时代学数学时就想过,究竟什么地方才能用得上解联立方程组。I remember as a, as a mathematics student, thinking, well, you know, where am I ever gonna use simultaneous equations.

求解上述非线性联立方程以获得流量、密度和含水率。The above system of nonlinear simultaneous equations is solved in order to arrive at the flow rates, density, and water-cut.

利用位移协调条件,列出有限多组联立方程。解出含裂粘补结构胶层剪应力。By using the condition of displacement harmony, the shear stress is gained by solving a truncated set of simultaneous equation.

在非常复杂的系统的分析中,系统组件的控制方程是由一个大的联立方程形成的。In the analysis of very complex systems, the governing equations for the system components form a large set of simultaneous equations.

用序贯模块法与联立方程法相结合的方法进行了稳态模拟。Steady state simulation of the ammonia synthesis loop by combining the sequential modular approach and the equation-solving approach, is carried out.

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计算量采用修正标量位,这样在同样的节点数下相对于矢量位它可以减少联立方程的阶数。The modified scalar potential is used to reduce the order of the coupled equations in the comparison with the vector potential under the same node number.

描述了相容性非线性联立方程组模型在树干削度和材积建模方面的应用及联立方程组模型参数估计的方法。The study describes the application of compatible nonlinear equation systems in developing stem taper and volume models and methods of parameter estimation.

最后通过描述性统计、单因素分析和联立方程模型对本文的假设进行验证,得出了本文的结论。Finally, the paper verifies the hypotheses by using the descriptive statistics, the single factor analysis and the structure equation model, and gets the results.