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食物是配给的。Food was rationed.

息票,赠品券,附单,配给券。The allotment of ration coupons.

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每天配给我们两个鸡蛋。We were rationed to two eggs a day.

棉花和棉布现在正实行定量配给。Cotton and cloth are being rationed out now.

云配给过程的一个例子。An example of the cloud provisioning process.

第二个涉及享受的配给。In the second, the distribution of enjoyment.

你们当中最早服役的人将配给银盾。The first of you shall be the Silver Shields.

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一些地区将面临更为严重的定量配给。Some regions will face more than mere rationing.

他领取定量配给他的那份香烟,然后送给别人。He took his cigarette rations and gave them away.

他们采取严格的配给措施以延长储油的使用时间。They eked out the oil stores by strict rationing.

大多数美国拳手都不配给你系鞋带。Most American boxers aren’t fit to tie your boots.

何东西实施配给就会造成价格扭曲。Rationing anything creates distortions in the price.

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今年冬天可能定量配给食物。There may be a period of food rationing this winter.

那个国家早就取消了粮食配给制。Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.

对老年妇女每个月配给粮食14公斤。Old women were rationed to 14 kilograms of grain a month.

配给坩埚等待从应用点发出的请求。The Dispense Pot waits the demand signal from the P. O. U.

长队中有剪配给票的,又有填支票的。The line was filled with coupon clippers and check writers.

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“除非他们把钱还上,”卡汉说,“不然配给卡就得放在我这保管。”“Until they repay me,” he said, “I keep their ration card.”

有些移民的配给卡甚至被卡汉“保管”了七年之久。He has held the ration cards of some migrants for seven years.

她妈妈曾说,这路让她想起了战时的定额配给。His mother had said it reminded her of wartime rationing."Which