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先生,您被权力冲昏头脑了。Sir, you've gone mad with power!

因为你可能会被它冲昏头脑。Because you might get carried away.

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他被自己的成就冲昏头脑。He is carried away by his own success.

她没有让成功冲昏头脑。She has not allowed success to turn her head.

他警告他们,不要让胜利冲昏头脑。He warned them against suffering giddiness from success.

我不会被联赛杯冠军而冲昏头脑,只有媒体会。I'm not getting carried away with it, only the media will.

由于被自大冲昏头脑,他甚至想出邪恶的计谋和撒下纷争的种子。Puffed up in self-conceit, he may also devise evil and sow discord.

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米格尔是个被特权冲昏头脑的哥伦比亚政治家。Miguel is a young Colombian politician blinded by his own privilege.

当你被爱冲昏头脑时,你为了维持爱会接受对方的一切。To keep your love alive, accept him for what he is just like when you were infatuated.

虽然这些东西并不一定是坏事,但是它们让我们更容易冲昏头脑。And while these things aren’t necessarily bad, they can easily get us in over our heads.

没有传统的束缚、没有成功带来的冲昏头脑,有的只是梦想的付诸实现。No tradition binds and no triumph retards , what existing is the actualization of our dream.

自由职业者们还会长时间劳累工作,并被奋斗的激情冲昏头脑。Freelancers also tend to work long and hard, getting carried away with the momentum of the work.

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在商业背景下,让情感冲昏头脑通常意味着对局势失去控制。Letting emotions take over in a business setting can often mean losing control of the situation.

不过,上台的新领导人都与其前任一样被“具有创新性的”金融冲昏头脑。In each case, however, the new leaders were as infatuated with "innovative" finance as their predecessors were.

当民间社会陷入无止境的会议、被所谓的“协商”冲昏头脑的时候,我们就成了问题的一部分。When civil society is snared in endless conferences and flattered at " consultations " we become part of the problem.

李彪没有被成功冲昏头脑,他找到佳代子,希望她能通知本人林振海的藏身之地。LiBiao not be carried away by success, he find better generation son, hope that she can notify me LinZhenHai hide-out.

“说得对极了,”邓布利多说,他那半月形眼镜上方的目光显得非常严肃,“这足以使任何一个孩子冲昏头脑。"Exactly, " said Dumbledore, looking very seriously over the top of his half-moon glasses. "It would be enough to turn any boy's head.

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好吧,大家都在说库里生活在NBA文化的熏陶下,对他的成长很有帮助,但我惊讶的是,他没有被冲昏头脑,一直是个好好先生。I know we always talk about how privileged Steph was growing up in this NBA culture, but I'm more amazed he's been able to stay level headed and is a good guy.

并且使得所有不同的媒体融合起来,有着足够的空间以便于用户不会被一时的文章和图片冲昏头脑。And they somehow made all of the different types of media blend together, with plenty of space so that the user isn’t bombarded by lots of text or images at one time.

如果彬格莱先生本来并没有给虚荣心冲昏头脑,那么,吉英目前所受的种种痛苦,以及将来还要受下去的痛苦,都得归罪于他,归罪于他的傲慢和任性。If his own vanity, however, did not mislead him, he was the cause, his pride and caprice were the cause, of all that Jane had suffered, and still continued to suffer.