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亚洲的邮轮行业正呈上升态势。In Asia, cruising is on the rise.

然而,趋势却几乎呈直线上升态势。Yet the trend is almost a straight line up.

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6月20日的一项民意调查显示出一种三足鼎立的态势。A June 20 poll had the race a three-way dead heat.

双休日,涤丝市场行情继续盘升态势。Weekend, polyester and silk market continue to rise.

与俄罗斯和中国的贸易也呈上升态势。Trade with both Russia and China is also on the rise.

2009年起海洋运费呈现积极态势。Ocean freight rates started 2009 with a positive tone.

那意味着,他们能包容那个“高度紧张态势”中的双方。That means they contain both sides of The Great Tension.

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总体上,造成中国烟草产业的竞争力不强的态势。Overall, a Chinese tobacco industry is not so strong trend.

这导致了在不同“留名者”中间出现了巨大的竞争态势。This has led to huge competitions between different taggers.

朝鲜此前惯于利用咄咄态势来强逼进行谈判。The North has previously used aggression to force negotiations.

从中明显可以看出诉述主体的失重态势。From them we can see obviously what the compiler is emphasizing.

但是短期内,它会制造出社会和政治的新的紧张态势。But in the short term it is creating new social and political tensions.

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第三章,兴平地区土地资源利用基本态势。Chapter three, basic situation of land resource use in Xingping region.

分析和评述了铝锂合金今后的发展态势。The future development prospects of Al-Li alloy research are summed up.

第一章“互联网时代与诗歌生存态势”。Chapter one is "the era of Internet and situation of surviving of poem".

天然色素产业形成集群化发展态势。Natural pigment industry development trend of the formation of clusters.

并将平面路径规划下无人战斗机战场态势感知模型推广到三维空间。At the same time, we spread UCAV apperceive models of plane to space too.

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GDP的反弹将结束两年以来中国经济缓慢增长的态势。A rebound in GDP would snap a two-year run of progressively slower growth.

如今它已蔓延至13,000公顷并呈显无法遏制的态势。Now it has spread across 13,000 hectares and appears to be uncontrollable.

当前的教学理论呈“乱花渐欲迷人眼”的繁荣态势。The present teaching theory seems to be flourishing but a little perplexed.