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他们对他进行了拷问。They third-degreed the man.

这曾是一间拷问房”卡迈尔说著。"It was a torture room, " Kamel says.

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我被带到了刑讯室去进行拷问。I was taken to a chamber for sweating.

学生们谈起当时遭受的拷问和虐待。Students spoke of torture and mistreatment.

既然如此,那为什么会有拷问美元“疲软”的愤怒声音出现呢?Why then all the furor about the "weakness" of the dollar?

陈大恼羞成怒,让人找到领头的黑子,严刑拷问。Chen angry, let a person find the leading sunspot, torture.

拷问微软,新操系统究竟有什么。We grilled Microsoft to get the low down on the new OS release

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他的拷问尖叫声在他的房间被空间腐烂的中高度地用尖锐的声音说。His tortured scream shrilled high in the corrupted space of his room.

可是,她不单拿不到赎款,还被英明的手下个强捉到破屋里,严加拷问。However, she is kidnapped by Yingming's men and is held in an old house.

但一个做梦者所谓的乏味的面试对另一个做梦者而言则是残忍的拷问。But one dreamer’s boring job interview is another dreamer’s brutal torture.

迪克·陈利指出通过拷问确实得到了一些有用的信息。Dick Cheney points out that the techniques yielded some useful information.

如果敌军土兵不讲出真情,我们可以拷问他。We can put the enemy soldier to the question if he doesn't want to tell the truth.

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取决于一点,大卫·单泽说到,那就是谁是“拷问时刻”的制作总监。Up to a point, said David Danzig, who supervised the production of “Primetime Torture.”

在面对外界的诸多质询后,开始拷问自己的内心只是很自然的事情。After so much interrogation by others, it's only natural to begin to interrogate yourself.

年轻的创意人和设计师们不断地用这样的问题质疑设计,拷问自己。Young creative individuals and designers keep on questioning themselves with these doubts.

如此乱象,拷问消委、消协的公信力。Such chaos is resembled, torturous disappear appoint, disappear assist public letter force.

当一个音乐人发现自己的音乐可能被用来拷问和折磨别人的时候他会有何反应?What's a musician to do when he finds out that his music may have been used to torture people?

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如果西方足够自信,为什么他们让朱利安·亚桑杰①消声并拷问布拉德利·曼宁②呢?If the West is confident, why do they need to mute Jullian Assange and torture Bradley Manning?

咱们抓了小妖女详加拷问,定能问出个所以然来。We grasped small monster petticoat detailed increase to cross-examine, can certainly ask a why.

她显然向拷问她的纳粹分子招供,说自己是法国当地的居民。She apparently convinced her Nazi interrogators she was a local member of the French Resistance.