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我是一名犹太人。I am a Jew.

泰特斯又是一个犹太人。Titus is a Jew.

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泰特斯又是一个犹太人。This then is a song.

我为什么说犹太人?Why do I say Jewish?

埃琳娜•卡根是犹太人。Elena Kagan is Jewish.

他们也许,不喜欢犹太人。They may not like Jews.

还藏着犹太人的灵魂。The soul of a Jew yearns.

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那老头一定是个犹太人。The old cove must be a Jew.

他们来自波兰,是犹太人。They were Jews from Poland.

他是一个犹太人,正如我本人一样。He was a Jew, just as I was.

这一切与反犹太人无关。None of which is anti-semetic.

调查中有一些人是犹太人Some of the sample was Jewish.

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这就是契诃夫笔下的犹太人形象。That was how Chekhov saw Jews.

“六百万犹太人,”卡尔说。“Six million Jews, ” Cal said.

他们高叫要犹太人的血。They screamed for Jewish blood.

直到犹太人全都皈依。Till the Conversion of the Jews.

直到犹太人改信别的宗教。Till the conversion of the Jews.

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为什么犹太人都有大鼻子?Why do Jews have such big noses?

德国大诗人海涅是犹太人。The German poet Heine was Jewish.

犹太人是亚拉伯罕的种。The Jews are the seed of Abraham.